Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

Tag: Donald Trump

Trump Is President Again – Now What?

On January 20, 2025, Donald J. Trump once again took the oath of office making him the 47th President of the United States. He is now only the second President in history to serve two non-consecutive terms in office. For many Christians, his return to the White House is a moment of celebration as it marks the end of the Biden regime. Under former President Biden, the nation was subject to an administration that imposed the most debased sexually immoral culture upon the people. Any objection to the normalization and celebration of this depravity by the American public was met by the regime not only with labels of bigotry and hatred but even with the force of a justice system run amok. Biden made transgenderism the seminal issue of his administration, looking to force acceptance of bodily mutilation and hormone replacement upon every institution in the nation, including women’s sports and locker rooms. Even people who simply protested the murder of infants in the womb faced imprisonment because of Biden’s misuse of the legal system. Trump’s return to office is seen as a much-needed reversal of these depraved policies and practices.

President Trump immediately set out to undo much of Biden’s work shortly after taking the oath of office. During his inauguration speech, Trump declared that it would be the official United States policy that there are only two genders, male and female. The first Executive Order he signed reversed some 78 Executive Orders issued by Biden in the prior four years. Even the government-sponsored pro-abortion website, reproductiverights.gov, was taken down following his inauguration. Christians see these efforts as a positive move in returning the nation to conservative and perhaps even biblical values. The question for Christians, however, is how should we live under this new administration. With a President who seemingly is moving our nation away from the acceptance and practice of sexual immorality, what is required of the church at this time? The answer is the same as it has always been, live according to God’s word and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Governments and politics are a common grace of God to the world. Romans 13 tells us the governing authorities of the world have been instituted by God for the protection of each nation’s citizens and the punishment of evildoers. These duties are for the benefit of the people of those cultures but, just as any other institution in existence, fallen sinners populate governments. Therefore, governments will fail and even abuse their people. We cannot count on governments to always administer justice rightly. Nor should we expect that these authorities be able to change the hearts and minds of the people over which they preside. Only God can perfectly administer justice and only He, through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, can change sinful hearts. Christians are His representatives in the world to bring the life-changing and soul-saving message of the gospel, and so we must.

Sinners will continue to exist in our nation, and, by extension, they will look to influence the culture so that they may live out their sinful lives with no sense of guilt or condemnation. Voting for a new President and changing the policies of government will not stop this from happening. While President Trump did win both the electoral college and popular votes, it should be noted that Kamala Harris still received a sizable number of those votes as well. This shows that a substantial portion of the nation still desires the proliferation of sexually immoral policies. Furthermore, Trump’s campaign was weakened in this arena as he accepted the support of and platformed openly homosexual conservative activist groups. He also publicly supported allowing for abortion in some cases, opposing full abolition of the heinous practice. This demonstrates that conservative politics and voters are not immune to the effects of sin as well. Being mostly opposed to wicked policies but still supporting sexual depravity, even at a “lesser” level, reveals that sin-ladened hearts exist on all sides of the sociopolitical spectrum. While Christians can and should be engaged in the political process, it must not be at the expense of our duty to proclaim the gospel to all persons everywhere. While we may wish to see our nation embrace laws and policies that are not a direct assault on God’s word, we must love our neighbors, both liberal and conservative, so much that we cannot help but preach the truth of the gospel to them.

Christians must also seek to live out their faith before the world. The gospel that saves us also changes us. Paul wrote to the Corinthians that when we repent and trust in Christ, we are new creations (2 Cor. 5:17). This means we have new hearts with new desires, that we want to obey Christ out of sincere love for our Savior. Christians then should pursue lives consistent with our profession of faith. We must desire holiness and righteousness in all areas of our lives, in thought, word, and deed. Firstly, because it honors our Lord and Savior but, secondly because it demonstrates to the world around us that we believe in what we preach. Obedience to God is not optional for Christians and in our efforts to live out the commands of Christ, we show the world that pleasing Him who saved us is more important than anything else, even our sociopolitical pursuits. This kind of devotion to Christ bears great fruit in a sinful world. Those around us hear the gospel which changes hearts, but they also see our testimony of changed lives played out before them. And, even if the world rejects Christ, they can never escape the public witness of Christians who will never bow the knee to sinful ideologies. It will be a testimony against them when they stand before God on judgment day.

Christians can and should praise God that He has brought an end to a wicked political regime that sought to foist wicked and depraved policies on our nation. And we should continue to be involved in the political process in hopes of bringing God’s commandments into the public discourse. Yet, more importantly, we should proclaim Christ and Him crucified to all whom God places in our lives for the salvation of their souls has even greater importance than any election in history.

Note: This article was also published at X.com.

It Shall Not Be So Among You

But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mt 20:25–28)
As I watch a certain movement within Reformed Christian circles continue to demand attention, I cannot help but see a stark difference between their behavior and Christ’s command to His disciples. Today, there are those calling for the establishment of a distinctly Christian nation. This would be a nation whose laws and governmental systems would require its citizens to appear to live as if they were Christians, even if they are outside the covenant. It is a top-down structure where Christian ideals and principles are to be enforced as the law of the land. And those who disobey the law would be punished by the Christian government.
Such a nation may seem to be an ideal but the question remains how we would attain such a Christian utopia. The Christian church has taught throughout history that we are to proclaim the gospel of Christ, seeking to convert sinners to Christ. Such converts are then taught to obey the Scriptures in all manner of their lives, including how they interact with the civil government. As the church grows and the people are changed through the Spirit and the Word, the byproduct can be a nation transformed for Christ. Laws and governments begin to reflect this change as the people become increasingly involved. While this is not guaranteed in every corner of the world, Western culture for many generations proved this to be a likelihood. The church grew and the governments changed because humble Christians shared the faith and lived out what they preached.
But, as the culture has fallen into depravity and great evils have been given government endorsement, many Christians feel that the gospel alone is not the antidote. They call for greater activism and demand the church go forth and conquer the civil realm, not through the preached word, but by the takeover of governmental institutions. They see brash militancy as the solution where humble servitude has failed. The reclamation of the culture through enforcing Christian laws, by their definition, is seen as the only viable option. The establishment of a kind of Christian monarchy where society is ruled by fiat is the only consideration given. Those espousing this system seem to believe the time for humble service has passed, it is time for the church to rule the nations with a rod of iron.
Yet, Christ, the King of all creation taught something quite different. When James and John sought to sit at His right and left – positions of authority, places of ruling and reigning – Jesus gave the disciples God’s position on Christian leadership. He showed them how the rulers of the nations lorded their power and authority over the people, something one would expect from the government. But Christ then said, “It shall not be so among you” (Mt. 20:26). Instead, He taught them that the greatest among them would be the one who sought to be a servant, a slave. They were not to seek power that they would be mighty rulers over all. They were to see themselves as humble servants. They were to be the least among all that they might be servants of all. Just as Christ gave Himself as a ransom for His people, the disciples were to consider themselves to be the chief slaves so that the people might be won to the Savior.
This does not mean that no follower of Christ can ever be in a place of authority. We are not relegated to being those who only ever work in the lowest places of the workforce. Nor are we prohibited from working in civil government or places of leadership. Rather, in all our vocations and places within society we are to have an attitude of humility, seeing our work as a means of service to others, using even our humble work as a tool in leading the lost to Christ. We do not seek authority and power that we might lord it over others and compel them to follow Christ by force. Rather, we preach the truth wherever we may be and then serve those both above and below us so that they see the truth of the gospel worked out before them.
Those who seek the authoritarian, top-down approach reveal the lack of humility in their hearts through arrogance, crassness, and perpetual anger directed, not just at the depraved culture, but also at their Christian brethren who raise concerns with their ideology. Whenever a brother or sister reminds them that our call is to proclaim the gospel, that person is often met with derision and mockery. An attitude of superiority and haughtiness permeates many of their interactions with others. It is not uncommon to see the uses of slurs and crass language leveled at those whom they believe to be the cause of society’s downfall. Much like James and John in Luke 9:54-55, they seek to figuratively call down fire on their adversaries. All of this is contrary to the image of the servant leader Christ called His disciples to emulate.
It is right and good for Christians to desire to see their cultures and nations conformed to the Word of God. Any person calling themselves a Christian who does not desire to see the lost come to Christ should question if they are truly in the faith. But, such desire must be tempered by our conformity to Christ. We cannot act like the world, gnashing our teeth in anger at the very sinners with whom we once walked arm in arm before Christ graciously redeemed us. Jesus’s teaching is clear, all leaders and rulers who call themselves Christians are not to be conquering warriors, ruling over societies by force. Rather, we are to be the servants of all, humbling recognizing that it is God who is the one true King over all creation. We are merely His servants to be used according to His gracious plan to bring the lost to salvation. And, if He graces us to live in a nation where Scripture is the authority over all the people, it will be because we have heeded the call to go forth and make disciples in all the land. Let us reject the lustful power of worldly kings, let us embrace the role of humble servitude by which God has turned nations on their heads.
Article also published on X.comX.com.

James White’s Thoughts on the State of the Culture and the 2016 Election

Recently, Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries discussed his thoughts on the state of the culture in America in light of the upcoming election on his program, The Dividing Line. I found this discussion to be extremely helpful from a Christian perspective. I ask our readers to view the program and give considerable thought to what Dr. White has expressed in this program. The program is two parts, both of which are contained here.