Voice of Reason Ministries

Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

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The Cure for Friendship Evangelism

children-14248905778JUIt has been said many times by a dear brother in Christ, “Friendship Evangelism as it is most commonly practiced is neither friendship nor evangelism.” This could not be truer even after many years of teachings by several different ministries and church leaders.

The purpose of the erroneous teaching of the past – to make friends with a person in order to earn the right to share the gospel – is not biblical. Nowhere in the Bible will you find this concept of evangelism. It is a manmade device to appease the fear of the one doing the sharing and it centers the gospel on the person rather than on the Creator. This form of sharing the gospel was created by churches and individuals in an effort to dumb down theology and help “the common folk” better able to understand. While all of this has been a gross injustice to the Word of God there is still a way for a modified version of this to work.

The problem with Friendship Evangelism among other things, is the Christian, who is commanded to proclaim the gospel, develops a friendship and never gets around to sharing the message for fear of losing the newly made friend. While the intent may be good, the results are not and neither is a bait and switch method for the Word of God. Deception is a lie and if deception is the form of evangelism one is imploring the delivery is tainted in sin.

Think of the verses for a moment that reference sharing the gospel. Now consider this. Could you imagine a Navy Seal storming an ISIS camp and asking an Islam Extremist with a bomb strapped to his vest the following, “Sir my Commander sent me here to disarm you, I would just like to get your permission to carry out his order before I arrest you and disarm that weapon of death from your chest.” If a Navy Seal even survived such an encounter, he would be court martialed and locked away for years. He would have disobeyed the orders of his commander plus he would have put not only his life in jeopardy, but the life of the one he was there to arrest.

Lover of Christ, you don’t need permission by anyone to share the gospel. Your Commander in Chief, Your Creator – The God of All – Jesus Christ has already given you the command and order to share the gospel. He is the ultimate source of Authority and Truth so why would you need to circumvent His command to ask permission to do something He has already commanded you to do.

The unsaved are like that suicide bomber, but they don’t know they are walking around with the threat of death looming over them. If they die in their sins, they are already condemned to a life of eternal Hell.

Sharing the gospel not only brings the Words of Eternal Life to a lost soul, it provides countless blessings to the one sharing the Gospel of God. Obviously if you’re practicing any form of Friendship Evangelism you are wanting to make friends. Try this instead, Evangelism Friendship. Share the gospel with the prayers and hopes of making a new friend. The blessings will far outweigh any fear you may have with sharing the gospel with a stranger.

Consider this in closing. Would you want to marry a person then find out later they were wanted for bank robbery? How would you feel if you made a friend with the hopes of sharing the gospel with them then later found out they were a rancid God hating atheist? If you share the gospel with a stranger and they are open to hearing His message, and the Lord shows them mercy and grants them the gift of salvation, not only will you have a true friend you can talk the things of Christ with, you will have a new brother or sister, a family member for life.

Jesus Christ never commanded us go into all the world and make friends, He commanded us go into all the world and share the gospel. Remember, it’s not if, but when you will stand before God. Will you be told, “well done my good and faithful servant?”


How Fast Can You Go?

213732-muscle-car-wallpaperHow fast can you go? That seems to be the mantra of the modern age. Everything is a race of one sort or another. “The faster the better,” seems to be the motto of nearly everyone. Get me there fast! Fast cars, fast planes, fast trains, fast internet, fast, fast, fast. You never see anyone advertise, “we have the slowest” anything.

The world speeds by at a neck breaking speed. We want instant access, instant news, and instant messaging, and all under the “give it to me now and as fast as possible” mentality.
I have a question for you. When you die, how fast will you go into eternity? It will be the quickest trip you ever take. In the blink of an eye, you will go from being a breathing citizen on Earth, to either a citizen forever in Hell or Heaven. This fast fact is undeniable, you will die one day.
This should concern you greatly. Some may say, “When I die, I will just rot away in the ground and that’s the end of it.” But, what if that’s wrong? What if you will either spend eternity in Heaven or Hell? Then what? Where will you or anyone else be? Do you know?

The fast fact is this; you can actually know for sure where you will spend eternity. The Bible makes it clear that all who die will either be justly sentenced for their crimes against God in Hell or they will be given the reward of Heaven. The problem is, once you die there will not be a day in court to plead your case. The only time to have your sin crimes pardoned is now. Today is the day of salvation. That can only be accomplished through the work of Jesus Christ. The only way a person can be truly forgiven and escape the wrath to come is by the gift of salvation from Jesus Christ.

Pride is the fast track to destruction. It’s the humble of heart and the repentant person that receives the adoption of Christ. I ask you, are you ready to stand before God and give an account of your life? When you die, you will stand before God and give an account for every word spoken, every secret thought, and every public or private deed. Because God’s very nature is perfect goodness, He is going to judge you according to the perfect, moral standard of His Law. If you’ve ever lied, stolen, or taken His name in vain, He will find you guilty of breaking His Law. Because God is good and Holy, He must punish your sin. And the only punishment for all sin against God is eternity in Hell. But, God is also merciful, loving, and kind. He provided one way to escape that punishment and that was through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was and is fully-God and fully-Man, without sin. He died on the cross a death He did not deserve, in order to take upon Himself the punishment you and I rightly deserve for our sins against God. He then forever defeated sin and death when He rose from the grave three days later. What God requires of you is that you repent (turn from your sin and turn toward God) and by faith alone, receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Throw yourself on His mercy today, and beg He grant you the eternal gift of salvation.

The Danger of The Christian Social Media Star

spotlightWe Christians can be an interesting lot. As much as we see ourselves as not being a part of this world, far too often we think, look, and act just like it. It wasn’t long ago that I made the strategic error of entering into a Twitter discussion between professing Christians. Wisdom should have taught me better by now, but sometimes I just don’t listen to those klaxon warning sirens going off in my skull. I’ll spare you the details of the discussion, but suffice it to say that I simply attempted to defend a professing Christian who still had an old post on their Twitter page that was, shall we say, less than Christian. The person in question claimed it was from a time when they were not a Christian. I simply defended that, given their statement, I was willing to give benefit of the doubt and not see it as reflective of their current profession.

Now, you’d think a person would appreciate being defended. You would think. However, this person not only did not show gratitude, but accused me of pride because I used the phrase “I am willing,” stating that somehow, in some sort of warped perception, I was taking the place of God in His judgment seat. Given their irrational response, I attempted to heed the warning sirens in my skull and bow out. Sadly, I ended up blocking the person I was trying to defend because they simply showed a lack of wisdom and maturity. Yet, the issue did not end there. Another professing Christian, who apparently was a fan of the less than mature, and now blocked, Twitterite, decided to lecture me and defend his social media darling. Once again, the block button became rather useful.

The point of this trip down memory lane isn’t to regale you with less that logical behavior of immature Christians, far from it. When I walked away from that conversation, I realized that this was not the first I had watched a professing Christian act in less than a charitable manner. Nor was it the first time I had watched an irrational defense of someone simply because the defender could not fathom their “star” as having done anything wrong.

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Doctrinal Disputes and Loving Our Brethren

bible-open-to-psalm-118 (1)It can be safely said that, since the birth of the church on Pentecost, for every opinion expressed there have been divisions in the body of Christ. Professing followers of Jesus always have and always will struggle with temptation and sin until the day we are glorified in Heaven with the Savior. Prior to being redeemed, sin permeated every last aspect of our nature. We were enslaved to it, there was nothing we did or thought that was without its foul taint. Yet, in Christ, we have been set free, no longer slaves to the passions that drove us. From that day until we are called home, we go through the process of sanctification. We are changed day by day, being purged and purified. God brings our sins to the surface so that we might repent and be changed. This takes a lifetime, and it is hardly an easy journey.

With that said, we must understand that divisions in the church come as a result of sinful pride. Were we already perfected in our flesh, we would all rightly understand the Word of God and we never would be in disagreement. However, given our lack of perfect comprehension, we must understand that as we grow in knowledge, so we can also grow in our pride. We are prone to lifting ourselves and our accomplishments up high. So, when we begin to grasp the greater and deeper truths of scripture, there is a great temptation to act as though this knowledge was gained of our own accord. And as doctrine becomes more open to us, we begin to have disdain for the shallowness of understanding in which we once walked.

If you have ever engaged in doctrinal discussions, especially on the internet, you know just how easy a rigorous debate can transform into a vile argument with character assassinations and name calling in abundance. Sadly, much of the public face of Christianity today, especially in the arena of social media, has reflected this. I am not referring to the debates between liberal or false theology and sound doctrine. Those debates will clearly be contentious as though who seek to downplay biblical truth will almost always engage in emotional rhetoric in order to claim victory. Rather, what I am referring to are the heated arguments between Christians who fall within diverse, but orthodox, doctrinal views. Such debates can be necessary to help us grow and understand the nature of God and the Christian faith. However, pride in our doctrinal stances can often result in a lack of grace being shown to our brethren. It doesn’t take long for us to move from debate, to argument, to anathematization of one another when pride gets in the way.

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