Voice of Reason Ministries

Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

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Who Dictates the Christian Faith, God or Culture?

With the recent verbal assaults of presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg against the faith of Vice President Pence, Chris and Rich discuss who really decides what makes up the Christian faith, God or culture.

Show Links:

LGBTQ Nation Article

Lady Gaga Quote

CARM – Essential Doctrines of Christianity

Bitesize Theology Book

Same-Sex Attraction and the Sinfulness of Human Desire

This week, Rich and Chris discuss the issue of same-sex attraction from a Christian perspective. Is the issue of attraction merely a temptation for a professing Christian, or is it a sin of the heart that must be repented of?

Show Links:

Tom Ascol – Founders.org Article

Tom Buck Articles on Living Out (links to all 4 articles are found here)

American Psychiatric Association Article on Sexual Orientation


ShepCon Retrospective

Chris and Rich return from an unexpected hiatus to discuss the 2019 Shepherd’s Conference.  Also, winners from this week’s #GetWellRich contest are announced.

Show Links:

Shepherd’s Conference Sessions

Let’s Talk About the Bible in Public Schools

Many Christians are excited about the prospect of states including Bible literacy courses in public schools.  However, we must ask the question exactly what will be taught and how.  These questions are essential to determining whether or not we should support such efforts.

Show Links:

Fox News Article

Bible In the Schools – Why Teach the Bible

Society of Biblical Literature – Schools Guide (PDF document)

The SBC, Houston Chronicle, and Sexual Abuse in the Church

The week, Rich and Chris discuss the Houston Chronicle’s article series “Abuse of Faith” chronicling sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention. What can this teach the Church at large about how to deal with issues of sexual abuse?

Show Links

Albert Mohler’s Article

Houston Chronicle – Abuse of Faith

In the News – Pastor MacArthur and President Trump

This week, Chris and Rich discuss recent news events involving Pastor John MacArthur and President Donald Trump.  How can Christians understand these matters and what obligations do they have in understanding all the facts involved?

Show Links:

Sanctification Through Suffering Conference

Hip and Thigh Blog Article on John MacArthur

Fox News Article – Trump Speaks on Abortion at SOTU

Help! The Pastor is Drowning! – Pt 2

This week, Chris and Rich continue their discussion on the five reasons pastors leave the church.  Also included this week are a discussion on SBC President JD Greear’s sermon on Romans 1 and homosexuality, as well as the weirdest news story of the week.

Help! The Pastor is Drowning!

This week, Chris and Rich discuss the reasons why pastors often leave churches and how local bodies can correct the problems that lead to this troubling issue.

Show Links:

Five Reasons Why Pastors Leave the Ministry

Evangelical White Lies by Mike Abendroth

New Year, New Me? Really?

Rich and Chris are back in the saddle as the new year begins.  This week they discuss the New Year’s motto “New Year, New Me!”  Does entering a new calendar year really change us?  Can we really start off with a blank slate?  

”Merry Christmas, Now Buzz Off!”

It started with a simple response to a less than charitable tweet, but it turned into a revelation of just how dark even politically conservative-minded persons can be. It is a bit of a rare thing to find a celebrity that holds a conservative political stance, mostly because Hollywood unashamedly blacklists them for not towing the liberal line. So when I stumble across one, I will occasionally give them a follow on Twitter. Such was the case with Kristy Swanson, the actress best known for the comedic movie role of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (not to be confused with the television series character played by Sarah Michelle Geller). Ms. Swanson proves to be rather direct, blunt, and even confrontational in her pro-conservative values tweets. In fact, there are times I somewhat cringe at her language. However, she has been somewhat entertaining to follow, so I left her in my news feed.

On December 17, 2018, Ms. Swanson posted a meme involving a Christmas tree. Her statement was “just gonna nicely set this down right here…” The meme read, “if the offends you GO **** YOURSELF” (only there were no asterisks, I’ll not fill in the foul word that was posted). I confess, it shocked me. It wasn’t that Ms. Swanson was a rather brash conservative, I’d already seen more than enough evidence of that. It was the fact that, if a person found Christmas celebrations and decorations to be offensive, she felt entirely justified in telling that person, in the foulest language imaginable, to buzz off. She said this regarding Christmas. The season that, at least ostensibly, is supposed to be about the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Savior. The One who died to take the penalty for sinners that they may be made righteous. The One whom we are commanded to tell the world about that they might bow the knee in repentance and faith because of the great love He demonstrated by dying for sinners. That celebration. And she told them to fornicate themselves for not liking it. Now that is hubris.

I left a simple response for Ms. Swanson. I simply suggested that she consider that she was not likely to win anyone to her argument by treating them so disrespectfully. I never considered I would get a response from her. I would not expect a person with so many followers to have the time. I simply wanted her to stop and think about what she had done. That’s all. And, no she didn’t respond. But it was the other followers who did respond that got my attention. In fact, it is their posts that this article is about.

Several followers of Ms. Swanson took umbrage with my statement. One suggested that there was no way to win an argument with people who hate Christmas so much that they placed a statue of Satan next to a Christmas display (yes, that actually happened). Another claimed that you have to speak the same language as the liberal to even communicate to them. Yet another claimed that “silence is acceptance” and “we don’t want them to think we accept their ideology.” Finally, the one that really got my attention was the person who said “the time for being PC is OVER,” and that it was “time to fight fire with fire.” This is a person whose Twitter account appears to suggest they are at least a professing Christian. And they are supporting the idea that it is not only acceptable but appropriate to tell a person who is offended by Christmas to buzz off with vile and filthy language. This is also the person who later blocked my account for disagreeing with her and suggesting Christmas ought to be a time we share the miracle of the gospel with people. But I digress.

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