Voice of Reason Ministries

Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

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Putting Abortion Ahead of the Gospel

This week, Rich and Chris discuss President Trump’s recent State of the Union Address where he called upon Congress to end late-term abortion. Should Christians rejoice at incremental measures to end abortion? To what extent should we rely on politicians to end this abominable practice? Listener discretion is advised.

Show Links:

Michael Coughlin’s Tweet

LifeNews.com Article

Video of Trump’s Call to End Late-Term Abortion

“How Can You Follow Jesus and Trump”

Guilty by Association

He’s baaaack! Richard Story has broken through the siege lines of the internet gremlins and is back! He and Chris discuss this week how internet fights continue to be waged, often over associations with persons or ideologies we don’t like.  How can Christians avoid spiteful confrontations and show charity and love while standing firm in the truth?

Show Links:

“By What Standard?”

VOR Rewind – When the Church Looks Like the World

This week, Chris and Rich round out their discussion on what is the church.  In this episode, they discuss what happens when the professing church abandons its Scripture and imports the thinking of the world.


Show Links:

Can Social Justice and the Church Coexist?

Southern Baptists floundering against LGBT agenda

The United Methodist Church has appointed a transgender deacon

A Word of Comfort in Troubled Times

This week, Chris shares scriptural passages that can give Christians comfort in troublesome times.

Show Links:

Voice of Reason Radio YouTube Channel

What’s So Funny?

This week, Chris flies solo once again as the internet gremlins continue to lay siege to Rich’s computer.  On deck this week is a discussion on how Christians should rightly handle humor and joking.  Also, a brief review of Andrew Rapport’s and Virgil Walker’s discussion about Gloria Allred and abortion.

Show Links:

Ricky Gervais – Golden Globe Monologue

Rapp Report – Marriage, Feminism and Abortion with Gloria Allred

Committed to Christ in 2020

Happy New Year! In this first show of 2020, Chris flies solo and talks about how we might serve Christ in the coming year. Also, a brief discussion about toxic discernment ministries and how we might avoid online battles.  

VOR Rewind – Why Did Jesus Come as a Man?

On this Rewind episode, Chris and Rich begin a discussion of the nativity account and ask the question, “Why is it important that Christ came as a man?”

Show Links:

Blue Letter Bible Article

Sports Fan Outreach International

VOR Rewind – What Does it Mean to Believe?

On this rewind episode, Chris and Rich discuss what it means to believe in Christ. Is it a simple mental assent and agreement, or does the Bible reveal there is something more to it than that?


Show Links:

True Belief – John MacArthur (sermon)

VOR Rewind – Same-Sex Attraction and the Sinfulness of Human Desire

Rich and Chris discuss the issue of same-sex attraction from a Christian perspective. Is the issue of attraction merely a temptation for a professing Christian, or is it a sin of the heart that must be repented of?

Show Links:

Tom Ascol – Founders.org Article

Tom Buck Articles on Living Out (links to all 4 articles are found here)

American Psychiatric Association Article on Sexual Orientation


VOR Rewind – Who Dictates the Christian Faith, God or Culture?

With the recent verbal assaults of presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg against the faith of Vice President Pence, Chris and Rich discuss who really decides what makes up the Christian faith, God or culture.

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