Voice of Reason Ministries

Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

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VOR Special Edition: Live From Cruciform Conference!

Tune in for a special edition episode as Chris Huff of “Matter of Theology” and Andrew Rappaport of “Striving for Eternity” join Chris for a live recording of VOR from the Cruciform Conference. They have a round table discussion of why Christians should seek to be “Still Standing” in an age when the world is coming against the church.

The VOR-Echo Zoe Radio Crossover: 2021 Edition

Join Chris this week as he and Andy Olson have their annual “Discussion Cornucopia” on a variety of topics. 

Show Links:

Echo Zoe Radio Podcast

Worldviews, Apologetics, and the Myth of Neutrality – A Discussion with Dr. James White

On this 200th episode of Voice of Reason Radio, Dr. James White joins Chris and Rich to discuss apologetics, the Christian worldview, and the myth of neutrality. There was no stone left unturned as Dr. White helps Christians understand the absolute need for standing firm on the Word of God.

Show Links:

Alpha and Omega Ministries

Dividing Line on YouTube

Buy Official Gear from Doctrine & Life

Husbands, Love Your Wives – A Lesson for Both Spouses

This week, Chris and Rich discuss the biblical outworking of husbands loving their wives (and wives submitting to their husbands) as an act of glorifying Christ. 

Show Links:

Official VOR T-Shirts! 

Cruciform Conference

Fighting the Culture War With Truth Series

Paul Washer – Husband Love Your Wife

Voddie Baucham – Go Home and Love Your Wife

Encouragement for the Battle Weary

I know a lot of us are weary of the current cultural warfare. Some of us simply never want to hear the terms Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, Marxism, etc, ever again. If we could just wipe them out of lives, we would be happy beyond measure. I can identify with that. This seems to be all-consuming. It is everywhere. I would love to see and be part of just about any other conversation. Some days, it feels like it is never going to end and we are all battle weary.

Yet, at the same time, this battle is perhaps one of the most important we’ve engaged in for our generation. I’m not talking about the politics (though it is a huge component of what is going on), I’m referring to the spiritual. What this cultural war has revealed is the lack of spiritual maturity going on in the professing Church at large. Many self-identified Christians are either ignorant of Scripture or believe their personal feelings and experiences supplant Scripture. The very core of the cultural war is the battle for the sufficiency of Scripture.

There is little doubt that CRT and similar ideologies will one day collapse in on themselves. Critical Theory systems depend on the idea that there must always be oppressor and oppressed classes. Eventually, competing oppressed classes will come into conflict with one another. Somebody’s victim status is going to demand to be considered more important than another victim status. Thus, competition between victim classes will result in a new oppressor/oppressed battle within currently allied groups. When that happens, when they start eating their own (something that is already happening) the movement will begin to collapse.

Of course, should the Critical Theory promoters actually achieve their stated goals and create a Neo-Marxist “utopia,” then all victim groups will no longer be useful to those in control. They will be dismissed as dissidents to be pushed down, isolated, and ignored. All one needs is a cursory understanding of history to recognize this to be true. Only the willfully deluded will believe “that won’t happen this time.” In either scenario, the existing Critical Theory movement will diminish and fall apart.

But, that is not something we should settle for. Why? Because the very core beliefs that allow for the existence of such a movement will never go away. Critical Theory exists because it descends from previous leftist ideologies. Post-modernism, Neo-Marxism, the Frankfurt School, political activism, and more are the very progenitors of the existing Critical Theory system. Each rose and fell as an ideology or movement, but their very beliefs were passed down and retained within our cultural system. Much of how we think today has been affected. Even those of us who are opposed to Critical theory find ourselves speaking of having one’s own truth, not judging others, there not being only one way, etc. We may not realize it because it has become so ubiquitous, but much of Western Culture, and even the Christian church have been inculcated with the beliefs of these systems.

Once evidence of this is the failed “Emergent Church” movement. Emergent church “preachers” prided themselves in not knowing anything for certain. They asked all kinds of questions, but never really wanted solid answers. Certainty of anything was the only real sin. It was arrogant and prideful to believe anyone could know exactly what God had said. This movement was all the rage, for a time. Eventually, all questions and no answers mean you don’t really have anything to stand on. Without a firm foundation, you sink into the mire of your own creation. And such did the Emergent movement. But, not without leaving a lasting effect.

People may not have called themselves Emergent, but many professed Christians were impacted by its teachings. Uncertainty about the Word of God and a love for one’s own feelings grew in Evangelicalism. The leaven had taken root and grown in churches around America. People still take great pride in believing that it is humble to not stand firmly on doctrine. That genuine love is letting people find their own path and not insisting on believing all of God’s Word is true or sufficient.

Now, the impact from that system, the widespread roots of it are bearing fruit in the Woke Church. Since we need not believe God’s Word has the final say on all things, that our own feelings and lived experiences have equal authority, this became fertile ground to implant Woke ideology. Now, those that once believed we couldn’t be certain about God’s Word believe that people’s own stories can be given equal to or greater weight than Scripture. As Solomon wrote, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

The cultural battle is important because the war of worldviews is important. You either submit to the worldview of God in Scripture or you espouse the worldview of man. Christians cannot abdicate their place in this battle. We must be people of the Book. We must expose “plausible arguments” for the fraud they really are. We must tear down the strongholds of the world and shine the light of God’s gospel as revealed in His Word. I know you are weary, brethren. I know you wish the battle to end. But, until the final trumpet sounds and our Savior returns triumphant, we have much to do and disciples to make. Take heart, do not be weary in doing good. Your Savior and His gospel are worth it.

VOR Rewind – Does the Bible Teach Socialism? (No, It Doesn’t!)

It’s Rewind Time as we look back at an uber-sized episode, where Chris and Rich compare Scripture with Scripture to refute the oft claimed false teaching that Acts 4 teaches socialism.

Show Link:

Book Review – White Fragility

The MoT/VOR Crossover – The Peril and Pain of Pragmatism in the Church

It is a crossover of epic proportions as Chris Huff and Drew Von Nieda of the Matter of Theology Podcast join Chris and Rich this week! Take part in a round table discussion of the danger of pragmatism in the church and the rotten fruit it has produced in our world today.

Has God Really Said?

On this five-year anniversary, Chris and Rich discuss the topic that drives the show. Doctrine matters. Knowing God’s Word changes how with think, speak, and act. We cannot simply settle for saying “since it doesn’t affect our salvation so it does not matter what we believe.” It all matters. Tune in for the discussion.

Show Links:

Sharper Podcast – Chris Hohnholz

Sharper Podcast – Dustin Benge

Matter of Theology Podcast – A Woman’s Biblical Role

If You Love Me, Obey My Commandments

In John 14:15, Jesus says, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” What commandments has Jesus given and why is it so important for Christians to seek to be obedient to God? Chris and Rich discuss.

Show Links:

John MacArthur – Obedience and Responsibility

Steven Lawson – You Just Need to Obey

Social Justice – An Empty Deceit

This week, Chris and Rich discuss Paul’s letter to the Colossians and its application to the “plausible” arguments offered by social justicians today. Such arguments deny the very sufficiency of Scripture and ought to be rejected by the church at large.

Show Link:

Blog Article: Philosophies and Empty Deceits – The Battle for the Sufficiency of Scripture

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