Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

Category: Uncategorized (Page 22 of 39)

2020 Is a Blessing

This week, in an unscripted and off the cuff episode, Chris and Rich talk about how the difficulties of 2020 actually can be a blessing in our lives and how we can minister to one another during trying times.

Show Link:

Book – How to Eat Your Bible

The Big Eva Compromise of the 2020 Election

This week, Chris and Rich talk about how evangelical elites laid the foundation for Christians to vote for the party of Joe Biden (whose platform is patently anti-biblical) while rejecting incumbent President Trump (who had fought for policies that favored Christian freedom, life, and liberty).

Show Links:

Wall Street Journal article

JD Greear Speaks of Gender Justice (article)

American Conservative Article About Equality Act

John Piper Article Regarding the Election

Community Bible Church – Our Impenetrable Fortress (sermon)

Community Bible Church – The Forging of a Joyful Christian (sermon)


Christians, Guess What? Words Really Do Matter!

This week, Rich and Chris tip a sacred cow of evangelism by asking should we say “accept Jesus into your heart” or “receive Christ as Lord and Savior.” Is there a difference? Does it matter how closely we align with biblical terminology? Or are we just nitpicking at words?

Show Link:

James White’s Poll (No, we were not kidding!)

On This Veteran’s Day…

On this Veteran’s Day, we honor soldiers past and present who put their lives on the line to protect freedom and liberty in our nation. We admire the selfless sacrifice of our soldiers. Knowing that sometimes they will be viewed negatively by people, they still give their all no matter what the tides of culture may bring.

Yet, within the Christian church – which is called to fight a very different kind of war, spiritual warfare – we are too often swayed by how we are viewed by culture. We can be fearful we will not be liked, will be seen as intolerant, and that people may reject us. We feel the need to weaken the gospel and water down the message to make it palatable to the culture at large.

Christians, you are a soldier in the Lord’s army. While the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, we have the greatest weapons possible in the Word, in prayer, and in the Holy Spirit. We need never fear what culture may call us, for the commander of our spiritual army is the Lord Himself. We submit to His commands and His orders. Concern yourself with fighting for His cause and let the world do what it will.

Like the soldiers we honor today, concern yourself not for the cares of this world, submit yourself to the authority of our true Lord and Commander, fight His fight and God will win the battle.

VOR Rewind – A Nation in the Hands of an Angry God

Looking back to earlier this year, when Chris and Rich discussed how even well-intended online discussions can fan the flames of an angry people.  Not only what topics we choose to engage but how we address these issues can inadvertently add fuel to the fire.  As Christians, even in matters of important doctrinal issues, we must treat others as creations in the image and likeness of God, showing grace and mercy as God has been merciful to us.  In this episode, they also ask the listeners to take time to pray that God would pour out His mercy on our nation.

Show Link:

100 Verses About Arguing

Does the Bible Teach Socialism? (No, It Doesn’t!)

In an uber-sized episode, Chris and Rich compare Scripture with Scripture to refute the oft claimed false teaching that Acts 4 teaches socialism.

Show Link:

Book Review – White Fragility

Cruciform Conference: Interview Edition

This week, Chris brings 4 interviews with speakers at the recent Cruciform Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. Tune in as they discuss why the topic of holiness is so very important to Christians during our chaotic times.

Show Links:

Cruciform Conference

Cruciform Ministries on YouTube

Cruciform Ministries on Facebook

Matter of Theology Podcast – Cruciform Conference

But the Greatest of These is Love

This week, Chris and Rich round out their discussion of Christian maturity by discussing the greatest trait of it: the love we have for God and for one another.

Show Links:

Snowden Family Go Fund Me

Christian Love by J.C. Ryle

Suffering Produces a Mature Christian

This week, Rich and Chris continue their discussion of Christian maturity. Looking to Philippians 4:10-13, they talk about how suffering produces maturity in our Christian walk.

Show Links:

Luther: In Real Time – Podcast

Luther Film

Voice of Reason Radio on Amazon Podcast

Christian Podcast Community Shows

Humility and Maturity: Evidences of True Faith

This week, Chris and Rich discuss James 4:1-10, talking about humility and maturity in the Christian walk.

Show Links:

Cruciform Conference

Christian Podcast Community


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