In Galatians 2, Paul writes of how Peter, who had been eating and drinking among the Gentiles, withdrew from them when the Judaizers came to town. So swept up in trying to keep their respect, despite their adding to salvation by grace the keeping of the law, Peter actually leads himself and others into a practical rejection of the simplicity of the gospel. By his actions, he perverts the true gospel and causes others, even Barnabas, fall prey to a false gospel. Paul confronts Peter publicly for this because he is leading the Gentiles astray by his actions.
I see so much corollary in our current age in which, what seemed like doctrinally solid preachers of Christ have become enamored with godless ideologies such as Critical Race Theory. Seeking to be respected by those who claim CRT justice is biblical justice they have added to the gospel a doctrine of works. As CRT adds a list of sins which cannot be wiped away by the blood of Christ, but only through worldly acts of “atonement,” those who preach this ideology are modern day Judaizers who decry that the gospel alone is sufficient to address the sins of racism and hatred. They demand a system of works under their law be added to the gospel that Christians might prove themselves to truly be saved. And if one refuses to do so, it is “evidence” they don’t follow Christ.
There are many “Peters” in evangelicalism today who have fallen prey to such teachings, believing that the CRT Works Atonement is “loving your neighbor” and have not only cozied up to the preachers of the system, but have laid this burden upon the church. Like Peter, these evangelicals are leading followers of Christ astray. I am grateful for the “Pauls” in our midst who are standing up to those in #BigEva and calling them out publicly for their compromise on the gospel. We need to stand by them, pray for them, and preach with them that the church not be swift to turn to another gospel, which is no gospel at all.
We must call CRT and its associated ideologies out for what it is, a corruption of Christ’s true gospel which leads people astray into a system of works. God’s Word is sufficient. Do not be lead astray but those who seem to be something, but are not. One’s place in the spotlight does not mean they are not to be without examination. Like Paul, let us all remember that it is the gospel and the gospel alone we are to proclaim. Let us denounce false teaching, no matter who it is that is promoting it.
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