Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

Category: Thought For The Day

Thought for the Day – Critical Race Theory and the Bible are Incompatible

The more I read and learn about philosophies such as Critical Race Theory (CRT), the more I realize how badly the church is being hoodwinked to believe the ideas of men. These philosophies and Theories are built upon the shifting sands of postmodern ideology and Marxist political activism. They in no way are compatible with Scripture which asserts itself as THE truth. Not a truth, not a localized/cultural truth, not production of knowledge made by groups in power, but THE very truth of God Himself.

You cannot marry philosophies built on the denial of objective truth with God’s one and only truth in Scripture. You cannot use something like CRT as an analytical tool to help you understand and apply Scripture. They are mutually exclusive. They are completely at odds with one another.

CRT demands that you believe the postmodern ideology that language is not only inadequate to determine what truth is, but that language is the tool of oppressors to control knowledge production. CRT requires you to tear down the very tools necessary to read, understand, and apply Scriptural truth because white, western control of language has allegedly caused oppression to those who would know and understand biblical truth differently. It requires you to believe that reading the Bible literally, understanding it contextually, seeking to know what the writers actually meant and what the original audience would have understood are tools of oppression.

This is a lie straight from the pit of Hell! This is why CRT and the like are not and cannot be compatible with Christianity. They are based on the ideas of men which are wholly incompatible with Scriptural truth.

Listen, I get it we are all getting weary of this debate. I understand that. But, this system has been built under our noses for generations now. We didn’t know it because we didn’t know what to look for. We saw snippets of it, but it was easy to dismiss, or so we thought. Now it is at our doorstep, it’s in our homes, our churches, and our families. We can’t just ignore it and hope it will go away.

These Theory philosophies are imbedded in our everyday lives now. And they will seek to destroy our very faith in God’s Word. It’s time we stop seeking to bury our heads in the sand. It’s time to stand up, understand the battle plan of the enemy and engage in the very war for truth. Future generations will be impacted by the decisions we make today. So, open your Bibles, study, pray, and get to work.

Thought For The Day: Words Matter – Our Identity

We have to get this right. There is a difference between temptation which we struggle against and identifying ourselves with said temptation as though it is part of our makeup.

If I said I was a “lust-attracted Christian” or a “theft-attracted Christian” we easily see the problem. It makes zero sense to identify ourselves by our temptation to sin. So calling one’s self as a “same-sex attracted Christian” makes it possible for someone to hold onto the lie that we are identified by our sexuality.

A Christian can struggle against sexual temptation & still be a Christian. We all struggle against sin daily. But giving sin identity and merging that with the name of Christian is a slap in the face to what Christ did in and for us.

We are no longer the old man. We are new creations. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are slaves to righteousness. We are identified as followers of Christ, serving a new Lord and Master.

Thus, to wed sinful desires to the name of our new Master is an utter contradiction in terms. It is nothing more than an attempt to appease those of the tolerance crowd who have complained the church has been too mean to homosexuals.

So, the wedding of these mutually exclusive terms is an attempt to soften the blow by saying being a homosexual in identity is OK, but acting on it is not. Folks, this needs to stop.

No, we cannot add offense to the gospel for the sake of being offensive. But, the gospel message is in fact offensive to a sin-hardened world. It tells us to reject the sins of our heart and turn to Christ. He is our Lord, He is our Master, and He is our identity.

Let us forsake the merging of the profane with the holy that we might somehow seem more “loving.” Rather, let us in love call out sin and call people to repentance without equivocation.

Thought for the Day: A Change is in the Air

It is my firm belief there is a concerted effort in evangelicalism to change the definition of what is a biblical Christian.

Voted for Trump? Believe in Constitutional conservatism? You’re an unloving person, not a Christian, and probably a Nazi.

Believe the Bible is true in what is says about roles for men and women? That secular-humanist theoretical systems should not supplant Scripture? That God defines justice and not anti-Christian ivory tower elitists? You’re not a Christian, you are a hate-spewing bigotted racist.

Don’t believe the church should be dictated to by the government? Believe that meeting together to worship is a command of God to be obeyed? That a virus shouldn’t shut down the local assembly? You are an unloving person who hates your neighbor and who sets a horrendous example for those around you.

This will be the battle in the days, weeks, and even years to come. What is the definition of a biblical Christian? Who decides that? Scripture alone, or those who contort its words in order to advance their agenda? The answer should be simple, but the message is being clouded by redefining what biblical principles such as love and justice mean.

It’s past time for Christians to become serious about studying God’s Word diligently, to understand its clear meaning, to apply it in their lives, and to reject worldly ideologies being imported into the church.

Thought for the Day: The Language of Extremism – Evangelicalism at a Crossroads.

Given the current state of affairs in America, it is evident there will be even greater pressure brought upon the church to conform to the world’s standards. In light of the incident at the Capitol, the language of “extremism” will be applied to anything remotely appearing to be connected to Trump and conservatism.

Overwhelmingly, Christians are associated with the GOP and, as such, pressure will be brought to bear against churches to disavow any connection to Trump and his supporters. Be assured, simply condemning the actions on January 6, 2021, will not be enough. Claiming President Trump was responsible will not be enough.

Any attitude, dogma, belief, or opinion espoused by a Christian that can be connected to that day (no matter how ridiculously stretched out of shape) will be expected to be rejected. Not only rejected, but the church must espouse an opposing view, affirming the worldly definition of tolerance and love. Any belief that affirms the existence of sin, individual responsibility, objective truth/morality, and judgment from God will be declared divisive and dangerous.

This presents a clear crossroads for the American church. We have seen many evangelicals calling for more of a compromise with worldly ideals (i.e. seeker-friendly marketing, adoption of social justice ideals, softening of the gospel) in order to maintain some kind of influence in the culture.

Now, with the new order of things, such compromises will be expected to be greater by the culture at large. The professing church can either continue down the path of shifting goalposts, seeking the crumbs of approval of culture or it can stand firmly on the Word of God knowing it will cost us deeply.

Chasing the culture has always, ALWAYS, compromised the sufficiency of the Word of God and led people astray. Standing firm on God’s Word has always grown the church as it depends solely upon Christ alone.

The church can no longer be concerned with how the world views or what the world wants of us. We must stand firmly and proclaim directly to the world they need to submit to God’s Word, His gospel. The Scriptures speak to everything we need for life and godliness. Anything that detracts from this must be rejected. Wordly ideologies cannot “help” or “clarify” Scripture. In fact, they can only distract from or attempt to supplant God’s Word.

Using the world’s methods will leaving us chasing ghosts we can never catch. We will mislead our people and dishonor the Savior we claim to serve.
We must stand firmly on the Word of God, boldly proclaiming the truth without fear. This will cost us, it will bring the world against us, but we will honor God and His Word. And He will use it for His glory. Stand firm and preach the gospel.