This week, Chris and Rich walk through 1 Peter to encourage Christians to live righteously in a time of tribulation and persecution. Walking in holiness is a living testimony to the excellencies of our Savior.
Author: Chris Hohnholz (Page 17 of 39)
This week, Chris, against the backdrop of the ongoing debate of vaccines and mandates, discusses how Christians ought to talk with one another about important issues of conscience. In matters that do not amount to sin, we ought not seek to bind another’s conscience to our own preferences.
As Hurricane Ida bears down on the Gulf Coast states, please be in prayer for the Story Family as Rich’s sons are living in the path of the storm. Given the serious nature of the storm, we are not recording a program this week. Please enjoy this episode from last November when Chris and Rich talked about how evangelical elites laid the foundation for Christians to vote for the party of Joe Biden (whose platform is patently anti-biblical) while rejecting incumbent President Trump (who had fought for policies that favored Christian freedom, life, and liberty).
Show Links:
JD Greear Speaks of Gender Justice (article)
American Conservative Article About Equality Act
John Piper Article Regarding the Election
Community Bible Church – Our Impenetrable Fortress (sermon)
Community Bible Church – The Forging of a Joyful Christian (sermon)
This week, Chris tackles a potpourri of mini topics, speaking on issues of wicked leaders in our nation, evangelical elites who have suddenly gone silent, and finding joy in our trials.
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This week, Chris and Rich discuss having faith in the eternal promises of God during a time of tribulation and great difficulty in our world.
It’s Rewind time! Looking back at when Chris and Rich discussed Ephesians 4:17-19 which reveals that the unregenerate person’s mind is darkened and futile in thinking.
Show Links:
Book – Reformed Expository Commentary – Ephesians
Book – MacArthur New Testament Commentary – Ephesians
CPC Podcast Suggestion – Matter of Theology
This week, Chris goes solo as he discusses recent developments in the rule and reign of politics in America. Yes, even tyranny for “the good of the people” is still tyranny. Should Christians be concerned and how should we act in light of these events?
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This week, Chris and Rich debate (sort of) the necessity of Owen Strachan’s new book “Christianity and Wokeness.” Using precepts gleaned from the text, Chris and Rich provide a real-world exercise using Strachan’s concepts from his book.
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I was fortunate to be part of the Launch Team for Owen Strachan’s new book, “Christianity and Wokeness.” As such, I was able to read an early edition of the book sent out to all Launch Team members to read and review prior to the release of the book. I must say that this text is not only an excellent treatment of the subject, but does a fantastic job of equipping Christians and Churches to respond biblically to “Wokeness.”
In “Christianity and Wokeness,” Owen Strachan provides the church with a much-needed resource. Christians are being challenged daily to take up the mantle of “wokeness” and “social justice” as a mandatory requirement of preaching the gospel, but should they be doing so? Owen Strachan pulls back the curtain to help Christians see exactly what “wokeness” is and why it is antithetical to biblical truth.
Strachan spends two chapters explaining what wokeness is and how it has infiltrated society at large and the church specifically. He then takes the time to break down the tenets of wokeness, drawing from the primary sources themselves. Contrasting these teachings with Scripture, he demonstrates that wokeness is an ungodly ideology that is wholly incompatible with the teachings of Scripture.
Strachan then takes his readers through a biblical analysis of identity and ethnicity as it is revealed in God’s Word. He provides the church with biblical answers as to who and what man truly is, the nature of sin (including partiality and ethnic hatred), and points to the only possible solution between God and men, the gospel.
“Christianity and Wokeness” is a great resource for Christians and the church. In a time when so many are trying to use the world’s definitions to explain equality, fairness, justice and love, Christians need to be reminded that God has already defined them in the Scriptures. “Christianity and Wokeness” will equip Christians to not only understand the issues at hand but to respond biblically when the world demands they acquiesce to their demands. I highly recommend this text to Christians and churches everywhere.
This week, Chris is joined by a special guest, Andrew Rappaport of Striving For Eternity, to revisit the unbiblical claim that Christians are to be “Christlike” but not “biblical.”
Show Links
VOR Episode – Be Christlike, Not Biblical?
The Rapp Report Episode – Nation Strategy of Counter Terrorism Against Christians
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