Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

Author: Chris Hohnholz (Page 16 of 39)

Pulpits, Politics, and the Purpose of the Church

This week, Chris and Rich discuss the recent Christmas service by First Baptist Dallas and former President Trump’s address from the pulpit. They also discuss the purpose of the church, why we should attend church, and the twisting of the gospel.   

Show Links:

MacArthur Sermon – The Making Disciples of All Nations, Pt. 1

MacArthur Sermon – Your Responsibility to the Church, Pt. 1

MacArthur Sermon – Why Should I Attend Church?

J. C. Ryle – The True Church

Spurgeon – The Church as She Should Be

First Baptist Dallas – Trump’s Appearance at 31-minute mark


Platforming Survivors in the Church

This week, Chris and Rich respond to objections raised to Chris’ article “Should We Platform Survivors to End Abuse in The Church?” Some readers questioned if the article sought to silence victims, if the Bible was truly the best source to treat trauma, and who is the church platforming? Chris and Rich seek to answer the objections biblically and with grace in a topic that can often be controversial.

Show Links:

Truth Be Known Episode: The Problem With Platforming Abuse Victims

Hearts for the Lost Podcast

Support Voice of Reason Radio

Should We Platform Survivors To End Abuse In the Church?

This is an article that is not likely to be popular, but one that is necessary for our current climate. Before you respond to the title, before you assume the content, read all that I have said and give it consideration. You do not have to agree with me, but please think about what I am calling for. With that said, I’ve been chewing through this for a minute, but I really think evangelicalism needs to stop platforming persons who are identified as “abuse survivors.” Note that I did not say “stop caring about abuse survivors,” but to stop “platforming” them. 

Here is my reasoning: abuse survivors have endured a traumatic, life-changing experience. There is much that must be done to care for and bring healing into their lives. In some cases, those traumas may even take a lifetime to heal from. As persons who care about such survivors, our first and most important priority is to bring these persons to the foot of the cross continually, helping them to find the peace and forgiveness (toward those to have hurt them) that only Christ can bring. This can absolutely mean that we not only hold accountable the abusers but also seek to identify the means by which the abusers took advantage and change what we can, biblically, to make such abuse more difficult, if not impossible.  

But, where we often err is that in seeking to hold abusers accountable and closing the means or opportunities for abuse, we look to the victims as the experts, giving them the responsibility to find ways to end those cycles of abuse. After all, they endured the abuse, who else would we think would know it better? 

Well, to be honest, that is incorrect thinking. God knows better than anyone the wicked heart, even the heart of an abuser. The most important resource we can go to is the Scriptures in dealing with those who have sinned against and hurt another. We must do so honestly, humbly, and with the willingness to be obedient to God in all matters, not seeking to cover up sin, but expose it and correct those who engage in such acts. But what we ought not to do is seek to take the hurting and vulnerable, putting them on a stage as an expert in abuse. We should not look to them, the persons we should be comforting and counseling to heal, to be the persons whom we listen to and learn from about how to handle abuse.

What The Church Needs to Be Doing

The role of the church in these matters is to come alongside the hurting and broken in these times and to lead them to the pure and undiluted Word of God which brings healing. Pastors and biblical counselors have the duty to guide the survivor to the all-sufficient Scriptures which not only identify the causes of the hurt but are the only true source for mental and spiritual healing. Where the world of psychology only keeps the survivor dwelling on the pain and never offering real solutions, the Word recognizes the wrong done, reveals that God alone can heal, and helps the hurting not identify themselves as a perpetual victim but a purchased and loved member of the family of God.

Likewise, it exposes the perpetrators of abuse as sinful rebels against God who, even if they escape justice in this life, will be held accountable for eternity by their almighty and righteous Judge. This works to not only assure the hurting that the crime committed against them will not be forgotten, but can also lead them to pray for the redemption of evil people that they may desire their forgiveness. The world does not offer such healing, in fact, it cannot. It can only leave us in perpetual fear and pain.

When we fail to rightly counsel the survivor in the Word, to bring them to the place where they see their identity in Christ, we leave them without the necessary tools to view what has happened rightly. We can end up leaving the survivor in a place of pain where they view the sin against them ought to be dealt with in a manner that is according to their own standards rather than God’s. No matter how much we think we are helping the abused by elevating them to a platform in this manner, we may be actually setting them up to lead themselves and others awry. We could find ourselves in a place where there is a debate between what the survivor believes is the right path against what the Word of God commands. Therefore, we ought not to be putting such persons in the spotlight to be leaders in this arena.

What Church Should Not Do (And Why)

Putting the abuse survivor in such a role can result in several problems: First, it solidifies their identity as a victim. Rather than being a Christian who has endured trauma, but is being counseled to be made whole again, the person remains in a perpetual state of victimhood. Their identity is wrapped up in this status and it is all they are seen to be. Can this truly bring healing in Christ? In truth, it causes them to hold tightly to their earthly category as a survivor rather than viewing themselves as a child of God. It puts them in the place of being their own avenger rather than seeking to trust vengeance to the hand of God. This is not healing, but slavery.

Second, rather than being a person seeking to rebuild their trust in Christ and the church, the body of believers with whom they are bound as family, the survivor becomes a watchdog against the church of sorts. Instead of seeing the abuser (and his or her accomplices which may have aided in the abuse – including hiding it) as persons within the walls of the church who have sinned gravely, but as exceptions, not the rule, the survivor can end up seeing the whole church as complicit. Where one person, or body of persons, may have been the problem, the survivor (now being held up in the spotlight) sees the whole of the church as guilty and needing correction. This places the survivor in an underserved position as judge and accuser of the church at large. This may seem magnanimous on our part to the survivor, empowering the abused to bring about change. But in reality, what we have done is take the hurting and vulnerable, who need our care, and burden them with a role they ought not to have. Now we task them to be our corrector and healer of the church when what they need most of all is Christ. 

Finally, and most concerning, is that when we place the survivor in such a role, we don’t think what possible error they could bring into the church. We are consumed with platforming the survivor as a means of empowerment and for correcting what may lead to abuse in the church. But, do we stop to think that what the survivor is calling for may, or may not, be biblical? If our greatest concern is calling the people of God to obey His Word, then we need to ensure that those who are teaching His people are doing so according to the Word. Oftentimes, the hurting may intend well, but we don’t examine what they are saying with Scripture. In our desire to not “revictimize” the survivor, we don’t challenge what they are saying or commanding what should be done. We tend to give the person a blank check, believing that survivors know what abuse is and who the abusers are. We so fear sounding hurtful or insensitive that we dare not question their wisdom on the matter. This is fallacious and dangerous thinking. 

There is no question that a survivor can give great insight into what happened to them, which in turn can inform how we act in conjunction with the commands of Scripture. However, this is something the church, its elders and leaders should be tasked with. Not the person who still may be healing and needing our greatest care. It is a disservice to the survivor to place them in such a high-profile role and it is a dereliction of the church’s duty to step up, acting in a biblical manner to bring teaching and correction in these matters itself. 

With these thoughts in mind, I must again say that it is time we stop platforming survivors, placing them in the role of judge and corrector of the church. It is time we seek to care for their souls, to love and bring them into the healing only available in Christ. To lead them in the way that heals their heart and mind, while we then learn from what has happened and seek to protect the flock of Christ as the church. I think only in this way can we bring true healing and protection, while simultaneously loving the survivor and keeping error from entering the church. I will likely be called hateful, mean, or a protector of abusers for this, but I genuinely believe those who seek to leverage the abused, to make a name for themselves in the evangelical celebrity machine, do greater harm than anything I have suggested here.


This article resulted in several online responses, some of which raised objections to the articles’ premises. In response to these objections, we recorded a podcast episode which can be found here: https://voiceofreasonradio.podbean.com/e/platforming-survivors-in-the-church/


Victimhood Sells: Attacking Scripture Through the Hermeneutic of Abuse

In a podcast crossover event, Nathaniel Jolly and Ekkie Tepsupornchai of the Truth Be Known Podcast join Chris this week. Christian doctrine continues to come under attack under the guise of advocating for victims and survivors of abuse and oppression. But do these doctrines really lead to the abuse as is so often claimed? Are advocates throwing out Scripture in their efforts to draw concern to victimhood in evangelicalism? These two pastors encourage Christians to stand firm in the Word and not to be swayed by those whose identity can often be found more in trauma than in the Savior.

Show Notes:

Truth Be Known Podcast

Truth Be Known on Twitter

Michelle Lesley Twitter Thread

The Characteristics of a False Gospel

This week, Rich and Chris talk about the marks of a false gospel and false teachers. It is imperative that Christians have a right understanding of the biblical gospel that they may walk rightly with Christ and proclaim His true message of salvation.

Show Links:

Article – Can Shut-Ins Serve Their Local Churches?

Podcast – A Word Fitly Spoken

Podcast – So You Want to Be a Podcaster?

Support Voice of Reason Radio

“Don’t Worry About the Heresy, Help Him Because He’s a Victim!”

Yesterday, Timothy Isaiah Cho, a professed Christian and associate editor at Faithfully Magazine, who is known on Twitter for progressivist, social justice laden Tweets, posted the following thread:

As I saw this post making the rounds this morning, a couple of thoughts came to mind that I feel need sharing. Mr. Cho appears to want to address Christians he thinks are more concerned with refuting heretical beliefs than helping those in need. Yet, his own post is laden with faulty presuppositions. I think it is helpful to note a couple of them here.

To take Mr. Cho’s view on this, one has to assume a couple of things: first, that errant and heretical beliefs must be given an ear because they are cries for help due to one’s victim status, real or perceived. That being a victim, culturally, means one has the right, or even duty, to come up with their own views of Scripture to right real or perceived wrongs. Whether or not these views are orthodox or heretical is besides the point. The issue is that there are cultural wrongs to be corrected. If a victim class fails to rightly handle Scripture, the Christian must still be more concerned with the victim’s needs than their handling of the Word. This implies that one cannot dismiss the heresy without giving into the idea that claimed victim status is real and the heresy cannot be refuted without coming up with something else to replace it.

And, second, that Scripture itself is insufficient to respond to the heresy and refute it. One must be forced to accept errant humanist views on victimhood and “reconciliation” before one can address the heresy. In other words, Scripture must sit at the foot of Intersectionality – admitting and confirming victim status, conceding that such status needs to be addressed through humanistic means – before one can appeal to Scripture to address the errant doctrinal beliefs. Of course, this is the very thing that leads to the heretical doctrines to begin with. It’s an endless loop that allows Mr. Cho and others to keep Christians from going straight to the Word and addressing a heretical teaching. Remember, the issue is not the doctrine but the victim status that is all-important. It is not the Word’s correct interpretation and application that is of highest importance but meeting the felt needs of the victim class before we are ever concerned about how they view Scripture. Mr. Cho is looking to paint Christians into a corner. He wants to say “OK, even if what they teach is heresy, you must address their status and must work to right their perceived wrongs! Stop telling them they’re wrong and fix their perceived problems!”

Ultimately, this is what social justice ideologues are concerned with. It is seeking to create a cultural utopia in the here and now, where everyone’s grievances are assuaged and equality for all is the motto. But when we appeal to a person’s perceptions of what is equality before we seek to understand the concept from God’s Word, we import sinful and faulty man-made ideas upon the Text. To have orthopraxy, right conduct and practice, we must have orthodoxy, right understanding of God’s Word. Our most pressing concern ought not be the perceived victim status, but what God says about man, sin, salvation, and reconciliation. Are we to be more concerned with how comfortable man is now in this life? Or is it of higher importance that we address the spiritual needs before we get to the physical? A thorough understanding of Scripture reveals the latter is more important than the former.

And let us be clear, Scripture does in fact address issues of oppression, though perhaps not in the way that Mr. Cho and others would prefer. Scripture identifies that the ultimate source of all evil is the sinful heart of man. The world hurts, oppresses, steals from, hates, and even murders people because of sin. “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.” (James 4:1-3) While laws and policies can limit the actions of sinful man, to an extent, they cannot change the wicked heart of man. That is why Christians must first and foremost seek to preach the gospel, that sin hardened hearts might be changed, redeemed, and made right through Jesus Christ. Yes, those that hurt and oppress are called out by God in His Word, told they will be held accountable for the sins they themselves have committed (not the generalized corporate guilt preached by social justicians). Yet, it is not the law of God and its inevitable consequences that changes the oppressor into a helper of the oppressed. It is the gospel and the miraculous work of regeneration through the Holy Spirit that makes this happen. Then, as Christ instructed us (Matthew 28:19-20), we teach the brethren to know and practice all that His Word commands. Hearts changed and conformed to Christ willingly, even if sometimes warring against the flesh, seek to love and care for those around them. They seek to repent of their sins and make restitution to those they have hurt. And they seek to honor God by teaching others to do likewise. So, we see that the Word indeed does address these issues, but not in the corrupted, humanistic way that progressivists would prefer.

Thus, we must see Mr. Cho’s Twitter thread for what it is, an attempt to undermine the sufficiency of Scripture and an appeal to unbiblical ideologies meant to trap Christians into progressivist mantras and practice. Let us seek first the kingdom of God, rightly understanding and practicing His teachings, correcting those in error, leading them from the paths of sin, and then addressing what issues in this life that may actually be needed.

The Inerrant and Infallible Word of God

This week, Chris and Rich discuss the attacks against the inspiration, inerrancy, infallibility, and sufficiency of Scripture. Christians ought not to fear the false claims of the world or so-called progressive Christians who cast doubt on the truth of the Bible.

Show Links:

Spurgeon – The Sufficiency of Scripture

Spectrum Article – God Is Inerrant and Infallible; The Bible is Neither

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VOR Rewind – Humility and Maturity: Evidences of True Faith

It’s Rewind time! Join Chris and Rich from last year when they discussed James 4:1-10, talking about humility and maturity in the Christian walk.

Show Links:

Cruciform Conference

Christian Podcast Community

Let’s Talk About Bad Online Arguments

Recently, Chris Huff of Matter of Theology made a post on Twitter that I believe is both sound and biblical (see attached pic). A screenshot of that post was shared on the Facebook page, “Expository Parenting.”  The hosts of that page clearly agreed with Chris Huff’s post and wanted to share that with their followers. Now, as with any online engagement, you will always have your supporters and your detractors. At the time of the writing of this article, there were 373 comments and 247 shares. To say this post generated conversation would be putting things mildly. 

When it comes to the matter of the music used during a worship service, there are no end to the opinions Christians will share and defend. In this case, Chris Huff made a solidly biblical and rational statement. The “ministries” he named are well known for their false teachings: that God will always heal people of their illnesses; that God must always give you whatever you decree and declare; that God “broke the law for love”; the list is endless. And, as such, whatever materials produced and promoted to the Christian church at large should be not be considered as suitable for use in Christ’s church. You don’t eat a meal tainted with poison and you don’t use the “worship” material from churches that preach heresy.

Hence, Chris Huff is absolutely correct. Pastors are the under-shepherds of Christ’s sheep. They have a solemn and sacred duty to not only feed and care for the flock but to protect them from ravenous wolves as well. To fail to vet the music coming into a church, including the ministry which created and promoted said worship band, because a song seems close enough to biblical truth is to shirk the duty assigned by God to every pastor. Now, this does not mean that pastors who have failed to do so are heretics or false teachers themselves. It means that they need to wake up to the danger these so-called worship bands present to their congregations and they need to step up to the solemn responsibility they have.

Going back to the post that Expository Parenting shared, there was one detractor, a self-identified pastor, who took issue with Mr. Huff’s post. That’s not unusual. Many times people, including pastors, will comment their disagreements with online posts. Fair enough. But, in this case, the pastor took to making personal attacks and character assassinations against Chris Huff. It is worth reviewing and discussing his charges in his post, not because we want to denigrate this man, but because, as a pastor, what he does here funnels down to the congregation. Want to know where such fallacious straw man attacks given by professing Christians come from? Look to the man who is teaching them these things from the pulpit.

Now, I’m leaving the pastor’s name out of this post. We’ll just refer to him as Pastor X. This is primarily because I don’t want this perceived as a personal attack against him. This is not about him. This is about what he lays out publicly, as a pastor, against another Christian with whom he publicly disagreed. I’m sharing his entire post, putting in bold lettering the points I wish to engage and making my responses as we go.  This is a teaching moment. A chance to interact with a fallacious online argument and point out where the problems are. With that foundation laid, let’s proceed.

Pastor X writes:  “Wide brushes of judgmental statements always make me cringe for many reasons, and this one does just that. Theology is a funny thing. When you attend higher learning for theology or biblical studies, you should learn one thing really fast. If you intend to only read or listen to people you agree with completely on every theological issue, you will only listen to yourself. I don’t know the author of the original post, but I can almost guarantee he spends a lot of time listening to himself.

Let’s start here. Pastor X starts by making the statement that we need to be willing to listen to those who have different theological beliefs than ourselves. That if we fail to do so, then what we end up doing is only listening to ourselves. That’s a fair observation. Many of us lament that the current culture lives in perpetual echo chambers, wanting only to hear people affirm themselves.  So, Pastor X should be willing to listen to Chris Huff, right? Clearly, he disagrees with the post, so, wouldn’t we then assume what is to follow will a fair examination of Mr. Huff’s statement? Well, not so much.

Pastor X admits having zero knowledge of Chris Huff, which means he knows nothing about his person, his character, his theology, or his motivations. Yet, he immediately assigns a character flaw. Why? On the basis that Mr. Huff establishes a theological premise that pastors are responsible for ensuring that false doctrine and false teachers ought not to enter into the church proper. For stating that firmly and unapologetically. For holding that position and expecting pastors to do the same. Pastor X is declaring that, because Chris Huff does not hold to a nuanced view on this matter, that he does not entertain the positions that others (like Pastor X) hold as having equal weight, he is not listening to others who differ from him. Thus, because Mr. Huff does this, it is apparent that he must only ever listen to himself, otherwise, he would never have made such a post. This is presumptuous and a character assassination built on nothing but Pastor X’s own irritation with Chris Huff’s post. In other words, he’s violating his own standard here.

The community of God has never and will never completely agree on all things theological.” 

This is true. In fact, we have 2,000 years of church history to prove it. But, that history exists because Christians have fought for, wrangled through, and held councils for the express purpose of determining sound doctrine! Why? Because it’s that important! Theology and doctrine are not mere matters to quibble over and simply agree to disagree about. Doctrine, our understanding of God and our practice of worship, is directly tied to God and His nature. It comes from His revealed Word. Therefore, we don’t simply chalk things up to, “well, we all don’t agree about all things!” Yes, we have to recognize denominational differences. Yes, we recognize some areas are matters of salvation versus areas of important, yet orthodox differences. But we don’t just dismiss them in this way. This, quite simply, is a dodge.

God gave us his word throughout thousands of generations to be studied, lived out, and understood through a community of voices, 

This is flat wrong. We understand Scripture through the study of Scripture, by illumination of the Holy Spirit, and through prayer. While God has in fact gifted many brethren to be preachers, teachers, writers, and expositors (through whom we learn and are taught) it is not the “community of voices” that determine whether doctrine is true or false. The final authority is what does Scripture say? It is not “what does my community of voices tell me” but what Scripture itself tells us.

“voices that will inherently be wrong many times. Including the voice of the person who made this statement. By his own judgment and the words of Jesus, he should be judged. Knowing that no one is theologically sound on all issues, no one should listen to this post at all. 

This is a complete misrepresentation of what Chris Huff wrote. In his post, he specifically pointed to false churches that are not simply holding to areas of mere disagreement, but entirely false and heretical teachings. Their entire practice is an assault upon the Word of God and they seek to expand their sphere of influence in multiple ways. One such way is the creation and promotion of worship bands. 

These bands produce music that has been promoted on the airwaves of Christian Radio Stations who do little if any, theological discernment as to what they air. These songs are promoted to churches and listed on CCLI as worship songs that can be played at any church. There is not going to be an asterisk next to the song that says “by the way, a heretical church produced this.” It is then incumbent upon Christians themselves, and more specifically pastors who allow such music to be played in the church, to seek out not only what group produced the song, but the beliefs of the group and the doctrinal teachings they sit under. 

We’re not talking about debates over modes of baptism or end-times theology here. These groups come from churches that claim that it is God’s will to always heal, or that God must provide you wealth and prosperity if you declare it. These are attacks against the character and nature of God. 

Yes, just like a blind squirrel can find an occasional nut, a group or band can put out a song that, on its face, does not appear to be overtly heretical. Yet, all it takes is a little leaven to leaven the entire lump. Allowing music from groups that hold to false teaching gives them legitimacy in the eyes of undiscerning Christians. It allows for a false confidence that such a band must not be all bad if we can sing their songs in church. It allows for the foot in the door that leads to compromise down the road. And this is exactly what Chris Huff was saying. Pastor X ungraciously mischaracterizes his post to make it say what it did not, then attempts to club Chris Huff with said misrepresentation. 

“That is the logic of such horrible judgment on illogical theology. Any song intended to be used in the worship of our creator should be judged on the merit of the words that are being used in said worship.” 

Pastor X may appear to trying to be generous here, but it is based on a faulty representation of what Chris Huff said. This isn’t an either/or, but a both/and. Not only should a song be judged by what it says, but also by the beliefs of those who wrote it. What we believe impacts what we write, even in song.

“If a song itself has theological issues with the words of that particular song, I agree that it shouldn’t be sung as worship to our creator. However, saying that no songs a person with bad theology (from the perspective of another person that other people would say has bad theology) will ever write can be used because of that person’s background theological ideas even if the song never comes close to reflecting those disagreeable theological ideas 

This sounds dangerously like Pastor X believes that false teachers’ teachings and beliefs do not impact what they produce. For that to be the case, said false teacher either would have to be able to disconnect thoughts and belief from action or would have to be a liar and a hypocrite. It simply does not comport with reality to believe that songs from these groups would “never come close to reflecting those disagreeable theological ideas.”  Scripture is clear, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. What you hold to in your heart and mind will play itself in what you say and do. In order for a song to not at all represent what a false teacher believes, there would have to be a concerted effort to keep those beliefs out.  The truth of the matter is that many false teachings steal enough from God’s truth and blend in the false. The reality is a false teacher can say and sing just enough to sound true, but all the while they are peddling lies. What Pastor X is writing here is a straw man argument.

“(from the person other people would say has disagreeable theological ideas) and then telling others that if those songs which never reflect bad theology are used in their churches their pastors are not shepherding the King’s bride is simply reckless, ignorant, irresponsible, and just plain arrogant. The share of this post on this page is an example of how people should stay within the lanes of their call and strengths. My wife and I love this page for the call and strength they have for the material they put out. Yet, when they have stepped outside of that here to share and support such an ignorant statement (from what appears to be a personal friend), it diminishes the good work that God has been doing through them. 

We need to ask some questions here: What are the lanes? To whom do they belong? Who assigns the lanes? And who made Pastor X the guardian of these lanes? Has he been designated the lane police? Is he operating within his own lane in this post? Or is he outside his lane? 

Let’s say something clearly that refutes this idea of “staying in your lane”:  All Christians have a duty to learn and proclaim truth and identify and call out falsehood. This page does not only ever have to talk about parenting as narrowly defined by Pastor X. In fact, parenting as Christian means guarding our children against all that is false, including music. Even if it were appropriate to say they should stay in a particular lane, the Expository Parenting folks are well within those boundaries by informing parents to be concerned about music from false teacher ministries. 

“I’ve done it. I’ve seen people of many others areas of ministry do it. It’s cringy every time. In the end, the most basic issue with the statement is that it is completely laced in arrogance and assumes that they themselves have no lack of perfect theology in their life.” 

Again, Pastor X demonstrates he is practicing exactly what he is preaching against here. With, by his own admission, no knowledge of Chris Huff, of what he believes, what he practices, etc, he declares he has perfect knowledge and understanding of Mr. Huff’s mind and motivation. If that is not arrogant, I simply don’t know what is.

“This, of course, is in direct contradiction with the Scriptures and the character of Jesus, especially as lain out in passages like Philippians 2. Such a broad stroke, character assassination, and attempt at removal of speck of so many the original poster couldn’t possible know is simple in poor character and representation of the image of Jesus.

I would suggest Pastor X look at the mirror here. He may well be describing himself.

“And with that, the statement, as said above, judges itself as the words of Jesus say they will in Matthew 7. No one should listen to or share the sentiments of the poster, Chris Huff, anymore as he lacks proper theology and nothing he says from this point further should be shared lest you be considered a poor representation of the Kingdom of God. Funny how that works…

Pastor X concludes his screed by trying to be clever. He takes a completely misrepresented version of Chris Huff’s argument and treats it as a slam dunk. Chris Huff never said lacking in completely perfect theology means your material should never be used. He clearly identified ministries that are well known for the false teaching and called pastors to do their duty, guard the sheep in their care. Yet, Pastor X tries to reduce this to a mere disagreement of lower rungs of theology and mischaracterizes Chris Huff so he can claim Huff’s argument actually defeats itself. This is nonsense. It is a straw man and Pastor X really should be ashamed of himself.


So that’s what I wanted to point out here. I felt it necessary to show that poor argumentation abounds within Christianity at large. Oftentimes, it comes straight out of the pulpit. When you engage people like this online, don’t be afraid of them. Take the time to actually analyze what they are saying and why they are saying it. In reality, you will oft times find they are guilty of the very claims they are making against others. Once the straw man claims are exposed and the character assassinations are put aside, then let’s spend time getting to the meat of the argument. Something Pastor X worked really, really hard to avoid. Don’t be like Pastor X. 

Keeping Our Focus on Christ

This week, Chris and Rich continue their discussion of how we can have joy and peace during days of trial and difficulty. Christians must have a Godward focus, seeking first the kingdom of God and we will see His provision through the storm.

Show Links:

MacArthur – Anxiety-Free Living, Pt. 1

MacArthur – Anxiety-Free Living, Pt. 2

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