Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

About Chris

My name is Chris Hohnholz.  I am a wicked and wretched rebel against the Lord Most High.  Yet, in His mercy, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to live the life I could not live, to be obedient to the law in every way, yet willingly die on the cross to receive the punishment I was due.  Through His gracious and merciful work, Christ took my sin and granted me His righteousness.  He regenerated my sin-hardened heart and brought me to repentance and faith in Him alone.  Now I seek to serve my Lord and Savior be proclaiming the gospel to the lost and edifying the saints.

I graduated in 1996 from the University of Nevada, Reno with a BA in Criminal Justice. I also served as an officer in the Nevada Army National Guard from 1996 to 2004.  In September of 2000, I was confronted with my sin in light of the holiness of God. Subsequently, I received eternal life in Christ and now attend Community Bible Church in Reno, Nevada with my wife and two sons. In August of 2009, I completed the Living Waters Ambassador’s Academy program and have actively been engaged in evangelism.  In April of 2016, I started the Voice of Reason Radio podcast with my friend and fellow host Richard Story. Our program has always been devoted to two goals: to glorify God and to edify the saints. By God’s grace, we hope to accomplish this every week.


  1. bjørn storm

    Great blog brother. I will follow and read. God bless you and your family. Soli deo gloria!


    Wow I didn’t know you were in the Army before!

  3. Virginia Reynolds-Peck

    RE: VOR podcast (6-11-21)
    A Scripture that came to mind as I listened to this podcast: John 3:36

    They (progressive…liberal?…false?…Christians) are always talking about Jesus/God as He “love” us all right where we are at. They don’t talk about repentance or being redeemed or even what that means. I’ve heard claims to love Jesus, but accuse God of being a cosmic child abuser. It’s unreal some of the things I’ve been listening to the past few years. I’ve been doing a regular reading of the four main gospels. Jesus does command us to love God and love each other as He has loved us; however, the rest of the gospels are directed towards his healings/miracles, talks about heaven & hell, preparing the disciples for Kingdom work, and He’s quite blunt in the sermon on the mount and the Olivet Discourse; addressing hypocrisy of the religious leaders and the “woes” to the Pharisees. When one really examines and studies those religious leaders, they sure resemble some of today’s Churches (not all of them).

    We recently decided to leave our SBC church and attending a different church. During our time at the SBC church, we attended several home groups (long story why we attended so many) including co-hosting. It’s unreal how many professing Christians regularly attending church, involved in the church’s programs and home groups, but yet haven’t opened their Bibles in months. Months! How can one know what God wants if we don’t open His Word and dig in? I confessed to being ashamed of the decades I wasted as a professing Christian and not be in the Bible.

    When we lived in OR, we had a confrontation with former neighbors, two married women, said they were Christians. They felt we had slandered them (long story but re: a FB post I wrote several yrs ago when we decided to move back to AK & I described the deterioration of Anchorage [Alaska monument was vandalized, human feces on the sidewalk near a tourist attraction , two men “getting it on” at a park] and I mentioned there was a new LGBTQ section in the used bookstore;I finished the post stating it was the sign of the times but referencing ALL of the events of that day!). They were extremely upset with us…eventually calmed down enough to share a video how God supports their union. It was called “For the Bible Tells Me So” (Available on on YouTube). Quite interesting to see how scriptures can be twisted to reflect lifestyle’s point of views.

    I rattled the hornet’s nest with my husbands kids: I was discussing sexual immorality (polygamy, polyamory, homosexuality, bestiality, necrophilia) and using the same arguments as the homosexuals, “…if it’s love, and it feels right for us, so it should be okay etc.” (Disclaimer: my husband’s son is gay) My husband son &daughter plus a couple of my own younger cousins view re: sexual immorality. “If everyone consents, what’s the big deal?” They don’t care if a 16 year old boy got involved with a 35 year old woman, as long as it’s consensual. But they do care if a woman wants to be married to her dog but they don’t care if a man wants to have intimate relations with his dead wife. Their worldview was mind blowing. And unfortunately, that created quite a rift that is still ongoing between me and my husband’s kids.

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