Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

He Gets Us and the Social Justice Jesus

Welcome to the He Gets Us version of Jesus. This is their message that manipulates Scripture to justify their social justice version of Christ. They say he “washed the feet of friends and enemies.” But, is that correct?

We see the one instance of foot washing by Christ in John 13: 1-5. This was done at the last supper specifically with the disciples of Christ. So, yes, he washed the feet of friends. What about enemies? Those opening verses tell us that Judas was already led by Satan to betray Jesus. So, in this instance one enemy, one who chose riches over Christ was present. And it appears his feet were indeed washed.

So, in the most technical sense of the tweet itself, Christ did wash the feet of his friends and one particular enemy. But, as the He Gets Us ad suggests, was Jesus so loving that He would essentially overlook the sins of His enemy? That washing the feet of Judas meant He did not judge or hate the sin of His betrayer?

In Matthew 26:24 Jesus says, “The Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born!” This is a clear statement of judgment on Judas who was about to betray Christ for 30 pieces of silver. Jesus openly identified the sin of Judas and pronounced grave judgment upon him for it.

Yet, in the He Gets Us ideology, Jesus did not judge. He did not hate sin and sinners. He only demonstrated humble love to those who would openly rebel against Him. This is an insidious redefining of the Son of God who stated, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).

Why is it such a redefinition? Because, as Christ Himself stated, there is a division between those who follow Him and those who follow the world. Those who are of the world hate Christ and hate His Word. Why? Because Christ proclaims judgment on sin. And because only by repenting of sin (Matthew 3:2) and following Him (Matthew 16:24-26) can there be forgiveness and eternal life. The true Christ of Scripture hates sin and judges those who live in unrepentant sin to eternal condemnation. Yet, in His love, He makes a way of salvation from that judgment through His sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection.

He Gets Us rejects this message and would have its ad viewers believe there is no judgment of sin with Christ. How can we know this? By looking at the ad itself. In at least two instances that are immediately notable – images of an abortion clinic and an LGBT person – their “Christians” are washing the feet of the persons present. Their tagline is that Jesus did not hate but washed feet.

So, in the ideology of He Gets Us, to proclaim abortion is the sin of murder, that LGBT is a sin of sexual immorality, and that both will be condemned to Hell eternally, is hateful. The only message He Gets Us will tolerate is that we should “serve” the unregenerate by “washing their feet” to make them feel loved.

But, as we see above, Christ condemned the sinner Judas and pronounced that his judgment would be so severe it would be better if he had not been born. The loving Jesus called out and condemned sin. Therefore, the most unloving thing a Christian can do is not call sin out for the vile rebellion that it is. It is actually a work of hate to leave someone unchallenged in their sins so that they feel better about themselves and you.

True loving service does meet the needs of those around us but never is that service to be absent the loving message of the gospel. True love tells people their sins put them at war with God and they face His righteous wrath. And true love points the sinner to Christ, who died on behalf of sinners to take that wrath upon Himself in their place. Who rose from the grave to give us a promise of eternal life if we would but turn from sin and trust in Him alone.

He Gets Us doesn’t want that Jesus. They want the social justice “Jesus” that doesn’t care about anyone’s sins (well, except those of “mean” Christians who are not washing feet, i.e. being activists for the “oppressed” in society). They want a “Jesus” that never tells anyone they are wicked rebels who need forgiveness but instead makes them feel that they are just great the way they are. They want a “Jesus” that institutes societal reforms so all the “victims” of culture’s oppressions are lifted up while all the “oppressors” are brought low. This is the “Jesus” they want, one made in their own image.

The He Gets Us campaign is not about the Jesus of Scripture. It is not about the gospel. It is not about repentance from sins and forgiveness through Christ. It is a multi-million dollar campaign to make people fall in love with an idolatrous version of Jesus that people can feel comfortable being around. A Jesus that worships them rather than the other way around.

Christian, reject the Social Justice Jesus™️ of He Gets Us. Instead, turn to the Scriptures and know the one, true Christ as revealed to us in His Word. Then, go and proclaim His way of salvation to those around you. That is your mission and calling, do not neglect it.

1 Comment

  1. Barb

    Best thing you’ve written. Clear, true, and uplifting of the true gospel

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