Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

Month: December 2023

Be Christian, Not Just “Conservative”

The modern conservative movement has no objective mooring anymore. It is simply considered an alternative to the “out-of-control” leftist regime. The problem is that, without a mooring, the conservative movement is going with the same current the leftists are moving in. The only difference is the rate of travel.
While the leftists have the motor open full bore, the conservative movement is drifting with the current. The problem is, that they are both headed for the falls. Both will drive the nation over the edge and into the rocks below.
Modern conservatives want us to believe they have the means to course-correct the tragic direction of our nation. But, you cannot do that when you are not actively fighting against the moral degradation that is the current you are flowing with. You actually have to put your motor in the water, turn it on, and turn your boat against that current to head back upstream to safety. Conservatives refuse to do any of that.
The reason is that they have abandoned any sense of moral objectivity. We see it on a big scale where they are calling for the abandonment of the fights against sexual immorality (homosexual “marriage”) and abortion. But, on a smaller scale, we see it in their willingness to link arms with moral degenerates (see Dave Rubin), promote sexually immoral entertainment (i.e. DW’s “Lady Ballers”), and even by producing pinup calendars for men to ogle.
The modern conservative movement is not interested in restoring any kind of objective moral standard. They simply want the ability to get elected, hold power, and sell their wares to a particular demographic. Moral objectivity is an obstacle because it means, first and foremost, telling those within your own camp they must be held to that standard. You can’t tell those holding to infant murder (up to and after birth) to stop being evil while you link arms with sexually immoral degenerates who rent women’s wombs in order to custom order a baby as a prop for their vile lifestyle. It doesn’t play well in focus groups.
The only answer to the moral quagmire in which we currently find ourselves is to actually look to a standard outside ourselves to which we must be held. This is where the Christian faith has the only true answer. We know that God is the only true source of that which is right and good. It is by looking to God and His Word that we know good or evil. Anything that is in contradiction to God is evil and must be rejected. Yet, in our fallen state, we turn to evil every single time. That is why we need Christ.
In Christ – who took on humanity, lived a life of perfection (in thought, word, and deed), went willingly to the cross to die for sins He did not commit, and then rose from the grave, defeating sin and death – we find the only hope of escaping our slavery to sin and the judgment to come.
Those who repent and believe in Him will find forgiveness and everlasting life. And, we also are given a new nature, new hearts with new desires to love, honor, and obey God. This is the only hope to right the course on which we currently travel. The only way to combat the immorality which plagues our nation. We must be a people with new hearts.
Christians must reject the ideology of the new conservative movement which promotes no real change, just a slower plunge to our doom. We must call upon the people around us to see their sinful state, turn to Christ, and live in obedience to Him. While we do not preach the gospel as a socio-political statement, those who are redeemed by its message live lives that are counter-cultural to the mess we are in. They live, speak, think, act, and vote in ways that actually change the cultural landscape.
While this is no guarantee that the nation will be “saved” or “Christianized,” what it does do is save eternal souls and honor God in all that we do. Christians, I urge you to reject compromise with the modern conservative movement. Do not settle for a political solution that is headed for the same falls. Call on your leaders and political talking heads to turn to Christ and reject immorality. Preach the gospel to them. Share the message of hope with those around you. Pray for our nation. And most of all, honor God no matter what comes next.

Is Christmas Really Pagan?

This week we share a crossover event when Chris joined Conversations With a Calvinist to discuss the question, “Is Christmas Pagan?”

Show Link:

Conversations With a Calvinist YouTube Episode

There Are No Small Prayers, Only Sinful Motives

This week, Chris and Rich discuss a listener question: Is there ever a prayer that is too small to bring before God?

Show Links:

Theology Throwdown – Christmas Traditions

Monergism – A Treatise on Prayer

Voice of Reason Radio on YouTube

Bridling Our Tongues

This week, we share the audio of our recent Voice of Reason Radio Video Edition. We discuss the necessity of Christians to abide by Scripture’s command to bridle our tongues even as we engage the vile evil in our culture today.

Show Link:

YouTube Edition