Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

VOR Rewind – Trusting Christ to Provide in Times of Need

This week we look back at when Chris and Rich discussed the issue of food hoarding and prepping. While often associated with the Mormon church, many people, including Christians, store up mass quantities of food and water in preparation for times of difficulty. Is this a biblical precept? How should Christians view it?

Show Link:

Ultimate Survival Space article

1 Comment

  1. Barbara Laurie

    Hey.Chris & Rich. Thanks for rewinding this podcast. The news of the day can really start to grab one’s attention and a little grounding helps to stop the panic, and refocus my mind onto what’s really important. The world and its troubles SCREAMS about how important it’s (mostly self inflicted) troubles are SO important! But, it’s good to run back to God’s word and be reminded what should be our real focus.
    It’s been noted the Vaticant holds over $50 Billion in gold alone, and regularly and successfully invests over $70billion in the market and other assets. And of course, other assets that are considered priceless. So, the Mormons aren’t the only preppers who have no intention of sharing. I was listening to a professed Christian prepper who keeps his prepping very very secret from his neighbors because he doesn’t want a line outside his house when food et.al. Is hard to get. That sunk my heart. As a Christian, who cares if you survive? How about feeding your neighbors and preaching the gospel to all of them. Show the compassion of Jesus with all that food and water. Anyway, Glad you picked this rewind, prepping is even BIGGER in 2023 than it was even two years ago.

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