It is my firm belief there is a concerted effort in evangelicalism to change the definition of what is a biblical Christian.

Voted for Trump? Believe in Constitutional conservatism? You’re an unloving person, not a Christian, and probably a Nazi.
Believe the Bible is true in what is says about roles for men and women? That secular-humanist theoretical systems should not supplant Scripture? That God defines justice and not anti-Christian ivory tower elitists? You’re not a Christian, you are a hate-spewing bigotted racist.
Don’t believe the church should be dictated to by the government? Believe that meeting together to worship is a command of God to be obeyed? That a virus shouldn’t shut down the local assembly? You are an unloving person who hates your neighbor and who sets a horrendous example for those around you.
This will be the battle in the days, weeks, and even years to come. What is the definition of a biblical Christian? Who decides that? Scripture alone, or those who contort its words in order to advance their agenda? The answer should be simple, but the message is being clouded by redefining what biblical principles such as love and justice mean.
It’s past time for Christians to become serious about studying God’s Word diligently, to understand its clear meaning, to apply it in their lives, and to reject worldly ideologies being imported into the church.
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