Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

Month: June 2020

The Cancer of Moral Subjectivity

This week, Chris and Rich talk about the increasing number of Americans who claim they derive their morality from subjective sources rather than believing it objectively originates from God. Such beliefs reveal the rebellious and sinful hearts of many Americans showing they do not wish to have God ruling over them.  Only through the gospel can Christians see sin hardened hearts joyfully submit to the commands of God.

Show Links:

Christian Headlines.com Article

Michelle Lesley – Open Hearts in a Closed World Conference

Let’s Just Have a Chat

This week, Chris and Rich sit down and talk about the things that are currently on their minds. Unscripted and unplanned, let’s see how it goes.

Show Link:

Samuel Sey – Dear Police Officers

Jesus Wept: Fixing Our Eyes on Christ in Times of Grief

This week, Rich and Chris discuss how Christians endure truly painful times in life and experience genuine grief.  By fixing our eyes on Jesus and His precious promises, we can find peace in even the midst of times of darkness.

Show Links:

Open Hearts in a Closed World Conference

Book – God’s Grace in Your Suffering

Book – Grieving: Our Path Back to Peace

VOR Rewind – When the Church Looks Like the World

This week, we rewind back two years when Chris and Rich rounded out their discussion on what is the church.  In this episode, they discussed what happens when the professing church abandons its Scripture and imports the thinking of the world.


Show Links:

Can Social Justice and the Church Coexist?

Southern Baptists floundering against LGBT agenda

The United Methodist Church has appointed a transgender deacon

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