Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

Month: July 2019

The Christian Fellowship of Suffering

This week, Rich and Chris discuss how Christians ought to minister to those who are enduring suffering and tribulation.

How Dare You Judge Me For Judging You!?

This week, Chris and Rich discuss the ever-popular and misapplied “doctrine” of “Thou Shalt Not Judge!”

The Fundamental Problem of Beth Moore

This week, Rich and Chris discuss popular evangelical teacher Beth Moore.  Ms. Moore has a fundamental issue that all Christians should be concerned with, the matter of to whose authority she actually submits.

VOR Rewind: Revoice, Women in Leadership, and the Word of God

On this Fourth of July Weekend, let’s look back to the time Chris and Rich discussed the Revoice Conference as well as the debate within the SBC about women in leadership.  What does the Word of God say about these issues and how should we address the claims of those who promote questionable practices within the church?