Voice of Reason Ministries

Unworthy rebels, redeemed by the King of Kings and made servants fit for His use.

Andrew Tate Is Not Masculine

The recent craze surrounding self-appointed masculinity expert, Andrew Tate, continues to garner public attention. Tate built his financial wealth by prostituting women through websites such as “Only Fans.” He has made a name for himself by encouraging men to be physically fit and desirable to women. Furthermore, he has drawn public attention through bold speech, arguing that men must be willing to fight for what they want, must work hard, and stand up for nationalistic ideologies. His brashness, appearance of being tough, and unapologetic pride have drawn many young men into his wake. For them, Tate is the epitome of manliness. This has resulted in his being accepted and sought after by politically conservative personalities as a spokesman for masculinity.

However, Tate has a dark side. Allegations with accompanying videos and testimonies abound regarding his physical violence toward women. He regards marriage as a worthless institution and claims that men should seek to have numerous sexual encounters with a variety of women, so much so that he has accused men who seek marriage of being homosexual. He has stated that pastors who rebuke his practices are envious of him because he has made numerous women pregnant. Furthermore, Tate is facing numerous criminal allegations regarding his pandering and physical violence toward women. The stark reality is that Andrew Tate is a man of uncontrolled lust, anger, and speech, none of which meets the standard of masculinity set by Scripture.

The pursuits of men such as Tate are the works of the flesh according to Scripture (Gal. 5:19-21). While God indeed made women to be the perfect helper for men (Gen. 2:18-23), that relationship was to be confined to one man and one woman in a lifelong relationship called marriage (vv. 24-25). Tate’s pursuit of multiple partners is an utter rejection of God’s design for men. Furthermore, his rejection of marriage demonstrates how he despises God’s command that men are to love their wives in a self-sacrificing manner, putting her needs before his own (Eph. 5:25). A man who pursues multiple women purely to satisfy his sexual desire demonstrates that he is self-centered and could not care less about what God has called him to be. Additionally, Tate’s marketing of women to men looking for the easy gratification of online porn is drawing men into the sin of lust in the heart, which Christ condemned in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:28). Everything about Tate is a man who not only celebrates sin but demands other men join him in his rebellion against God (1 Peter 4:4).

Another matter of concern is Andrew Tate’s unmatched pride and arrogance. He has repeatedly demonstrated that there is never a time when anyone can teach him anything. The manner in which he not only promotes himself as an idol to model oneself after but also denigrates any person who challenges his position reveals much about the pride in his heart. God hates pride. It is the sin that drew Satan and the fallen angels into rebellion before God. It is the sin by which Adam was tempted to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Pride is the very root of sin in the heart of man and the core of almost all other sins. It is the sin of self-aggrandizement, believing oneself to be higher and better than all others. It denies the truth of Scripture which calls the heart of man “deceitful above all things and desperately sick” (Jer. 17:9) and thinks itself to be better than even God declares man to be. But, Proverbs 18:18 tells us, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Those who trust in themselves will one day face the God they refused to humble themselves before.

Biblical manliness is found in the heart of the man who does not exalt self, rather he exalts the God who has redeemed him. James reminds us that, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble,” (4:6) and that men are to humble themselves before God, doing the works that He gives us, trusting that it is He that will exalt us in His timing (4:10). True masculinity emulates the perfect God-man, Jesus Christ, who emptied himself by stepping out of the throne of Heaven, becoming a servant and obeying all that the Father commanded, even to the point of death (Phil. 2:5-8). In all that he did, Jesus never trumpeted himself as the King all men were to follow. Rather, he taught and served exactly as the Father commanded, allowing himself to be exalted at the proper time, waiting for the day that every knee will bow and all men will worship him as Lord and Savior (2:9-11). Christ has made it clear that those who mimic Tate in pursuing pride and self-exaltation will one day find themselves humbled by the hand of God when they face his judgment (Matt. 23:12).

Lastly to be considered is that Tate is a man of unwarranted violence. His verbal and physical abuse has been documented and demonstrated publicly. While physical violence may be warranted in defense of self or others, or the defense of one’s nation in a just war, God gave numerous commandments in the law (as seen in Exodus 21:12-27) regarding the punishments one would receive for striking another. When men strike other people unjustly, when they cause physical harm to one another, it is a sin against God himself. Yet, it is not merely the act of unjust violence that condemns a man, it is the unwarranted hatred and anger within one’s heart for which God will judge men (see Matt. 5:21-22 and 1 John 3:15). Hatred is born out from from the heart which is tempted by envy and disdain for others. Over time, that hatred and disgust boil over into one’s speech and actions, resulting in the wickedness of violence against another (see James 1:14-15). Men such as Tate show the evil within their hearts when they verbally tear down others and act out with physical aggression against them. Biblically masculine men are those who esteem others better than themselves (Phil. 2:3) and seek to love others as they love themselves (Mark 12:31). Unjust hatred, anger, and violence are rejected because men are to love God and love others as he has commanded us. Those men who demonstrate anger and violence toward others are not masculine, they are brute beasts who reject God’s reign over their lives.

Andrew Tate is not masculine by any biblical definition. He is a proud, angry, and lust-filled man who believes himself to be better than everyone else. He despises God and his word, believing his own depraved mind to be better counsel than God can offer to mankind. His influence over men in this world should be rejected at every level. He should be given no platform from which to espouse his godless and wicked ideology. Christians should expose his evil for what it is, calling on him and all who follow him to repent of their lawlessness. Christians should reject any politically conservative influencer who promotes Tate and his crowd, for those who promote him share in his wickedness. The church should instead preach true biblical masculinity which commands men to serve God humbly, loving others, restraining their minds and lusts, and leading as Christ has done, as the perfect servant-leader. Those who do so demonstrate truly biblical manliness.

 Note: This article was also published at X.com.

A Christian’s Identity is in Christ Alone


Within professing evangelicalism is the tendency to prefix an adjective to one’s identity as a Christian. While some may seem a bit innocuous by describing the stripe of their faith (Reformed, biblical, or born-again Christian) or their national citizenship (American Christian), others have attached an ethnic modifier (i.e., white-Christian, black-Christian, Asian-Christian, etc.). Still others have added the dubious and sinful marks of identity to their “Christianity” (LGBTQ Christian, Gay Christian, etc). There may be a myriad of reasons a person may feel compelled to affix these titles to the Christian faith; however, it raises the question of whether such modifiers are necessary or even biblical.

There are times when descriptors may be necessary. In some cases, when identifying the doctrinal beliefs under which a Christian may operate, referring to something like Reformed or Progressive Christianity is a short-hand form of telling others what you believe. Likewise, when there is a need to explain how national ideologies have impacted the Christian faith, comparing or contrasting American Christians with Middle Eastern Christians can be appropriate. In other words, adjectives can and do have uses that are helpful in discussions and in no way conflict with how Scripture describes the Christian faith. Yet, not all adjectives are created equal. Other modifiers are used specifically to center on one’s sense of identity upon which they append the Christian faith. Some seek to identify themselves solely by their sinful proclivities (gay, LGBT, trans, etc). They then attempt to legitimize their identities by forcing a connection to Christ by calling themselves Gay or LGBT-Christians. They take that which is patently sinful according to Scripture and attempt to turn it into virtue by affixing it to the name of Christ. This is blasphemous to Christ because it tries to make God, who condemns their sin, their chief cheerleader. It also demonstrates how little they understand the Christian faith as not only do they refuse repentance from sin, but they are also making themselves the center of their faith by using their personal adjective to describe Christianity rather than being transformed by Christ. Such usage is the definition of sin.

While the above examples deal with the far ends of the spectrum of adjective usage, there is a more common yet concerning issue. While it may not be quite as inherently sinful, some attempt to attach their ethnicity to Christianity, and they face a similar problem. Today, there has been a lot of debate surrounding ethnicity and whether or not it is appropriate to have churches, gatherings, or communities that are focused solely on ethnic identity. While very few professing Christians (though they do unfortunately exist) would argue it is appropriate for there to be a “whites only” church, association, or community, there are those who believe other ethnic groups should be afforded such consideration. It is not uncommon to see arguments in favor of Christians who are black, Hispanic, or Asian to be given space and have gatherings with other persons of their shared ethnic heritage. Such places, it is argued, are necessary to be safe to feel in community and separate from the alleged oppressive forces of our current culture. Thus, it is considered normal for one to use the ethnic identifying descriptors as a prefix to their professed faith. However, this places the primary focus on their personal sense of ethnic identity as opposed to their identity in Christ. And that is where the problem lies.

When writing to the Galatian church, the apostle Paul argues that their obsession with returning to the Old Covenant law signifies an abandonment of their New Covenant salvation in Christ. Paul states that their identity in Christ marks their profession of faith, an identity that comes only by faith alone in the completed work of Christ (2:15-16). The law could not save anyone; it could only reveal that every man, woman, and child is guilty of sin before God. While the law was not useless, it was an absolute necessity because it made them aware of sin and their need for Christ. It was given to them so that they might come to Christ (3:21-24). This becomes the lynchpin of Paul’s argument: because the law has led them to Christ, and they have turned to Him in faith, they have now “put on Christ” (3:27). Paul takes this one step further when he writes, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (3:28). In other words, their entire identity is now in Christ. It defines their very being and existence. They did not supernaturally become sexless beings lacking any ethnically identifiable traits; they still retained all the hallmarks of their humanity. Yet, those markers have become secondary, even tertiary, to their identity in Christ. They are a new people entirely, unified as one body across all nations, cultures, and times because they belong to the Savior who has redeemed them all. This is why turning back to the Old Covenant law is such an assault on Christ: it is a rejection of this new identity, a reversion to identifying themselves by their works and attempted obedience to the very law that was meant to lead them to Christ.

Christians today face a similar issue. When Christians seek to add the modification of their biological identity to Christ, they reject the idea that they are defined as a new people or a new creation. When they seek to find community based on the ethnic prefix, they are saying that there is more in common with someone who has common ancestral attributes than with someone who shares their faith in Christ yet lacks similar DNA. The Galatians were called foolish because they were turning from their identity in Christ and were placing their trust in a shared sense of working and earning merit from God. This community was being built upon a false premise that they could be accepted by what they did rather than their common faith in Christ. Likewise, those who argue for adjective-based Christianity seek to establish common ground on what can be seen by the naked eye (ethnic appearance) and like-minded ideologies (i.e., “if you have this particular ethnicity, you must think and act this way”). This is a rejection of the Scriptural truth that our identity is solely defined by our common saving faith in Christ. It is a turning away from Christ and turning back to the works of the world.

Interestingly, when Paul writes to the Galatians about their common identity, he identifies three particular groups: ethnic, sex, and slave/master relationships. Of the three, Scripture only gives us commands for two regarding the roles each must fulfill. Wives are to submit to their husbands and husbands are to love their wives (Ephesians 5:22-33). Slaves are to obey their masters and masters are to treat slaves fairly without threatening them (Ephesians 6:5-9). There are no such commands for those who are Jew or Gentile. However, Paul does address relationships between the two in Romans 11:17-24. He had written of his love for the Jewish people and their rebellion against God, teaching that their removal from their place and the subsequent grafting in of the Gentiles was to provoke them to jealousy that they might one day return. It was here that Paul commanded the Roman believers not to be arrogant, thinking their own inclusion made them better than the Jews. For, just as the Jews were removed and themselves added, they could be removed and the Jews added back. In other words, the ethnic identities of either group meant absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. It was their faith in Christ and their commitment to living in obedience to Him that mattered above all. The only command was not to be haughty about one’s ethnic identity and not to mistreat the other for their own. This is such a blow to the idea that we should ever be concerned with ethnically based adjective Christianity.

The use of adjectives has its place, even within the Christian church, but that use is limited in its scope. We are identified by our union with Christ alone. And, within that union, we are united as one new people (Gal. 3:28), we are commanded to come together regularly to celebrate our union in Christ (Heb. 10:25), and we are given gifts to serve and build one another up in Christ (see 1 Cor. 12). God calls us to be a people unique and set apart from the world, brought together to be the visible example of the gospel at work in this life. When we seek to divide ourselves along these lines of personal identity and add modifiers to our Christianity, we make ourselves the focus, and not Christ. This ought not to be. Let us reject the world’s means of declaring our identity, let us reject divisive descriptors, and let us embrace our one true identity in Christ alone. Let this identify us and drive us to the good works that God has set before us.

Note: This article was also published at X.com.

Repentance and Forgiveness in an Age of Digital Relationships

Two of the most important aspects of the Christian faith are repentance and forgiveness. They are the foundational elements of how one even becomes a Christian for it is through repentance (turning from sin) and faith (turning to Christ) that one is forgiven. There is no Christianity apart from these two elements. This is why Christ commands repentance from all persons everywhere and throughout all time (Acts 17:30) and directs Christians to grant forgiveness to those who seek it (Matt. 6:14-15). Just as one cannot call oneself a Christian if he or she lives in unrepentant sin, neither can we claim to follow Christ if we refuse to grant forgiveness to those who ask it and seek to make amends for their offense.

In the setting of the local church, this is demonstrated when a person comes before another, confesses their guilt, repents, makes restitution, and asks for forgiveness. It is personal, upfront, and can be aided by the elders of the church when called upon. We can see the guilty party’s actions and work with them through the process of forgiveness and reconciliation. While the aggrieved person may truly forgive, the one who sinned still must demonstrate a willingness to change their thoughts and behaviors to keep from such behavior in the future. In the physical presence of many brethren, those who give mere lip service to repentance, who make no real changes to their thoughts, words, and deeds, will be quickly exposed. This can result in further counseling or even church discipline when required. In a church where these matters are taken seriously, there is little room to hide behind words alone.

Yet, in the 21st century, Christians are not isolated from relationships that occur solely in the presence of the local church. With the explosion of digital technology and social media over the last couple of decades, relationships no longer are confined to one’s local community. We are connected with people around the globe and can build relationships with people we may never meet face-to-face. Furthermore, these relationships exist 24/7. We can communicate with virtually anyone at any time with little to no restraint. Christians can build virtual communities with each other and never have to experience the limitations set by schedules, jobs, childcare, uncomfortable group settings, and more. It is little wonder why so many people live much of their lives in these virtual settings. While seemingly more comfortable than living with one another face-to-face, virtual relationships face many challenges as well. The ability to create echo chambers, to block anyone who creates obstacles to our comfortability, and to be swept up in an antagonistic mob mentality is all too easy when those you interact with are pixels on a screen rather than a flesh and blood person. Therefore, just as in the real-life arena, Christians can and do sin against one another in the digital world. The question becomes how one addresses sin, repentance, and forgiveness in this environment.

The unique nature of social media gives every user a modicum of anonymity. Usernames and profile pictures can be purely fictional, never revealing the truth about a person’s identity. Even when someone is willing to use their true name and image, the lack of physical presence before others makes it easier to curate his or her appearance in the virtual world. We show the online community only that which we want them to see. And, with that sense of anonymity, we can easily set aside the fact that we are dealing with physical people on the other side of the screen. Compassion, kindness, and grace are all too easily discarded because we do not see the impact of our words and behavior toward others. Mistreatment, lying, bullying, and even defrauding others can become justifiable because we are only dealing with screen names, not real people. Sin becomes so much easier in such an environment. With that in mind, the idea of holding someone accountable for their sins suddenly feels daunting. When others are simply pixels on the screen, the certainty over the conviction of sin, repentance, and the ability to forgive appears to be impossible to discern.

Difficult though it may be, Christians are still obligated to address sin as they see it in their midst, virtual or otherwise. Passages such as Matthew 18:15-20 and James 5:19-20 require Christians to confront sin, call on their brethren to repent, and seek reconciliation. This may be more difficult in a virtual setting, but it is not impossible. First and foremost, the confrontation for sin must occur. Ideally, this could be done through private messaging or phone/Zoom-style calls. This allows for person-to-person contact outside the view of others. If such contact is rebuffed or repentance is rejected, then as Christ commanded, trying to mediate with other persons may become necessary. This is not done to shame or gang up on the person, but to hopefully help the sinner see the seriousness of their behavior online and to provide oneself with witnesses that these attempts are being made according to Scripture. If repentance is further rejected, it may be necessary to seek out the sinner’s church, if this can be determined, and provide the elders with documentation of all efforts so they can address the matter themselves. If such information is not available, and all other avenues are exhausted, it is advisable to step away from further contact so that we do not provide the person further means to sin in the same manner. Furthermore, one may need to warn other online users if the sin involves lying, theft, or defrauding in order to protect them from harm. None of this is to be done to shame, bully, or even dox the sinner. This is all done because we desire the repentance and reconciliation of one’s brother or sister in Christ.

If the person found to be in sin confesses and seeks forgiveness, we can forgiven and rejoice, yet we should desire to see genuine repentance occur. Where the sin is public (and it almost always is on social media) the confession should be public as well. It should also be immediate, for when sin is left to hide in the dark corners it is all too easy for someone to later mitigate, minimize, and even justify their behavior. Genuine repentance expresses a willingness to be seen by others and to be held accountable for future acts. Those giving lip service are less likely to publicly admit their wrongdoing even though they showed no such resistance to their public sin. They should also be encouraged to stand before their own elders and seek biblical counsel on why they sinned, what drove such thoughts and intents, and how they might seek to avoid sin in the future. If the sin involved some kind of defrauding of others, the person should be called upon to confess to all the aggrieved parties and make restitution where necessary. Lastly, it may be necessary to urge the person to cut themselves off from all social media use that is not watched over by the elders of their church. Christ made it clear that whatever gives us the means to sin should be removed from our lives (Matt. 5:29-30). While sin is a matter of the heart, if social media is the means of temptation, then repentance requires that it either be removed or heavily monitored. Those who refuse any and all such steps, or who seek to minimize the sin, claiming such repentance is unneeded, are likely exhibiting guilt over the consequences of sin rather than over the sin itself. It may be necessary to walk away from any further association with such a person and hand the matter over to God, trusting He will deal rightly with them.

The virtual world is distinct from the real world, yet it exists alongside and is used by flesh and blood people. Sin will occur in both arenas and Scripture calls upon us to address sinners so that repentance and forgiveness may occur. When we do this rightly, it pictures the gospel to all who are watching. If we fail to do it, then, not only do we allow sin to run rampant among professing believers, but we also communicate to those impacted by those sinners that sin does not matter much to us, or God. Both should be unacceptable to Christians. Let us be a people who desire to see our brethren conform to the image of Christ by calling on one another to live in obedience and to be repentant when we fail, both in the real and digital worlds.

Note: This article was also published on X.com

We Must Call Them to Repent

The gospel of Jesus Christ redeems sinners. That is the Christian message, that is what we are called to preach to the lost of this world. Mankind is dead in trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1) because we all are born with a sin nature (Ps. 51:5). Because our federal head, Adam, sinned in the garden, all mankind has been impacted by the stain of sin on our very souls (Rom. 5:12). Since we are conceived in sin, we live out our lives enslaved to sin, and all we do is sin (Rom. 6:20). When we stand before God, we will receive the due payment for our sin, eternal death in the fires of Hell (Rom. 6:23). There is no hope in ourselves or anything of this world by which we can be freed from sin and avoid the just wrath of God to come. Only one thing can free us from our fate and that is Jesus Christ.

When Christ came into this world, He took on humanity, lived a perfect life in thought word, and deed, and then died a sacrificial death for sinners on the cross. He took the just wages of sin, the wrath of God upon Himself, that the penalty might be paid in the place of sinners (Rom. 5:15-21). The righteous God-Man Jesus Christ willingly laid down His life so that guilty sinners might go free (John 10:18). And how is this accomplished? Sinners must repent of (turn from) their sins (Matt. 4:17) and place their complete trust in Christ alone. Trusting in Christ means confessing that He is Lord and that He died in one’s place and rose from the grave, defeating sin and death (Rom. 10:9). It is through this act of repentance and faith that sinners are freed from sin and made new creations in Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). As a new creation, the sinner is made righteous, his heart of stone is replaced with a heart of flesh that is inclined to love and obey God (Ezekiel 36:26). The gospel is a message that frees the sinner from enslavement to the passions of his flesh, creates in him a new heart that he might live in obedience to Christ, and then spend eternity with the Savior who redeemed Him. This is the most precious and important message any person can hear and it is the duty of all Christians everywhere to proclaim it to the world.

The only problem is that the world hates this message. Those dead in their sins hate hearing there is a God over them who will hold them accountable for sin. They love their sins and will do anything to remain in that which they believe gives them pleasure, fleeting though it may be. Therefore, sinners will concoct any scheme they can to unseat God from His throne and put themselves in His place. From denying that God exists to creating idolatrous versions of God that they worship in His place, mankind will do anything to silence their God-given consciences against the knowledge that they will face His judgment. This includes reinventing the Christian faith in such a way that it ignores Scripture’s command to preach repentance (for both the sinner and the saint) and replacing it with feel-good messages that coax sinners into believing God loves them no matter what. Or, they desire a message of “tolerance” that denies certain acts are sinful at all. In both cases, when professing Christians acquiesce to these desires, they neglect the duty of the church to proclaim the whole counsel of God and fail to proclaim the true gospel of Christ.

When the church either waters down Scripture’s teachings regarding sin or denies that people are sinning despite the clarity of God’s word, it does sinners no favors whatsoever. By enticing the sinner into the pews without addressing the need for repentance from sin, Christians appeal to the unregenerate flesh of the world rather than piercing the heart with the truth of God. Sinners are made to feel comfortable and included while still being at war with God. There is no examination of one’s heart and no understanding of their desperate need for forgiveness. Sinners then believe they can stand before God on their own merit and they feel no fear before Him. This is a dereliction of duty on the part of the church. The unrepentant and unregenerate sinner has been assured God loves him despite the fact he has never truly trusted in Christ for his forgiveness because he doesn’t believe his sins are really a problem. The sinner is “comforted” with sweet words of encouragement while being set on the path of eternal condemnation.

When sinners are given false assurance of their having a relationship with Christ apart from genuine repentance and faith, they continue in their sins believing God has no issue with them. For example, sexual immorality is rampant in our current culture. So much so that many churches either turn a blind eye to heterosexual couples living in sexual sin outside of marriage, or they are tripping over themselves to be “inclusive” of LGBT persons, assuring them God loves them as they are. Furthermore, many such persons publicly celebrate their sexual sin and demand Christians affirm not only their lifestyle but also their alleged relationship with Christ. However, all these individuals are living in unrepentant sin and Scripture makes clear that such persons will have no part of the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9-10). While every true Christian struggles with sin and will fall into sin, those who refuse repentance and live in an ongoing state of sin will face the eternal wrath of God (1 John 3:9). The most wicked thing the church can do for these persons is deny them the truth that their sins will condemn them eternally.

Professing Christians are not being loving or showing grace to sinners by neglecting the commands of Scripture on these matters. Sin is a serious matter before God. He will not look on sin and will bring His just and righteous wrath upon it on Judgment Day. Christians must have the courage to speak the truth regardless of how they are received by the world at large. Both inside the church and without, people need to hear of God’s condemnation of sin. Those in the church must be reminded what sin cost for them to be forgiven, the death of Christ on the cross. They must be corrected, reproved, and rebuked that they may not return to the shackles of sin (Rom. 6:16). But, those outside the church, those living in continuous, unrepentant sin must hear that they face the righteous judgment of God apart from their turning away from sin and turning to Christ alone. If we refuse to do this for them, if we give them smooth words that would make them more comfortable around us, then we are not loving. In fact, we show that we have no love for them at all. Shame on us if we do so.

Note: This article was also published at X.com

Why God Allows Us to Suffer

Trials, tribulations, and suffering are common to all mankind. Whether it be a bad day on the job, a difficult family life, debilitating illness, financial ruin, heinous criminal action, or a tyrannical government, every person who has lived, currently lives, or ever will live has and will face suffering. If there is one standard in life, apart from death, it is that every single person will endure difficulty in their life. It cannot be escaped no matter how hard we try. The world will do everything it can to explain, and even mitigate, suffering but it will never fully grasp why it exists or what can be done. The Christian, however, has the answer. Suffering exists because God permits it for His purposes and for our ultimate good (see Rom. 8:28). God allows evil and suffering because He is the perfect and all-wise God who works all things according to His providence to accomplish all that He set out to do for His eternal glory. And we, as God’s redeemed people, are the recipients of His grace as He uses suffering to shape us for His plans and purposes.

We know that no evil may befall us that God has not first permitted. In the opening chapters of Job, we are given a peek behind the eternal veil as the Lord questions Satan as to his consideration of God’s servant. Satan charges that Job (a man attested as “blameless and upright”) only serves God because he has received material blessing from Him. God permits Satan to take all but Job’s health (1:12) which the accuser believes will bring Job’s cursing. Yet, Job remains righteous, causing Satan to claim that he would curse God if his health were afflicted. God again allows Satan to afflict Job, but not to kill him (2:6). The remainder of the book is a master class for Christians of how we are to understand and respond to God in our suffering. But, these opening chapters reveal there is no evil, no affliction, and no suffering that occurs in our lives that has not first been permitted by the almighty God of all creation. And, as we see in the book of Job, He calls upon us to trust Him completely rather than demand that He justify His allowance of such difficulty to befall us.

One reason we encounter suffering in our lives, as we see in Job, is that God is testing us through the refiner’s fire. Proverbs 17:3 tells us, “The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold,  and the Lord tests hearts.” The heat of the furnace melts precious metals and draws the impurities to the surface where they can be scraped away. The hotter the furnace, the more the metal is tested, the purer the final product becomes. God brings affliction into our lives because it reveals the content and intents of our hearts. When we are cut off in traffic or the doctor is late to the appointment we have waited weeks for, what is our normal reaction? Irritation, frustration, and a tendency to demand retribution. And that is for minor inconveniences. However, if we are truly trusting that the Lord is in control of all things, should not our reaction be to worship God that He has determined this moment for us and is using it to refine us? Our response to suffering (be it minor or something that causes significant pain) reveals where our hearts lie and in what we are trusting. Trials can be a time for us to examine our hearts, find where we are failing to trust in the Lord, and repent of our faithlessness in His providence.

In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul opens with his greetings to the church, blessing God as “the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (1 Cor. 1:3-4). Affliction is often permitted in the life of a Christian first that we seek the comfort of God who watches over and cares for us. God is our loving Father who not only knows all that we need and will provide (see Matt. 6:25-34) but He comforts through His word, the Holy Spirit, and by sending us brethren who walk alongside us in our darkest times. God also uses these times of affliction to train us up so that we might be comforters to other brethren when suffering arrives on their doorstep. Tribulations are not simply a difficulty with which we must deal until better days arrive. They are God’s training camp wherein He equips His children to love and care for others by giving them the comfort they so desperately need. Christians need to look for and remember all the ways God comforts us as we walk through what seem to be the most unbearable trials. The times of strength when we did not think we could endure, the moments of love where other Christians came and shouldered our burdens. The times when His word ministered to our hearts, reminding us of the day when there would be no more suffering, no more death, and no more tears. When we remember these times, we can then minister to others to bring that comfort as they suffer just as we once did.

Finally, God permits suffering as a means of strengthening us by causing us to be dependent on His strength alone. When God strips everything away, when He forces us to recognize all the ways the world has become an idol to us, He is all that we have left in which to trust. Paul, in writing to the Corinthians, revealed a time of suffering, what he called a thorn in his flesh, that he appealed to God three times to remove. God’s response to Paul was “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2. Cor. 12:9). Paul recognized and celebrated that God would buffet his body and his life for the Lord’s power to be put on display and His name glorified. Paul became more trusting and dependent on the strength of God, therefore, he commended the Corinthians to have such trust in Him as well. Furthermore, in his first epistle, the apostle Peter encourages Christians to cast their anxieties on Christ “because he cares for you” knowing that one day, He would one day exalt them before the Father (1 Pe. 5:6-7). Additionally, Peter encouraged them in this by writing, “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you” (5:10). God permits tribulation as a means to not only reveal His power but also as a signpost to the believer that He will build us up and strengthen us in Himself. Suffering encourages us to trust solely in God’s strength both in the trial and in the days to come. We will be better equipped to serve Him because we trust not in ourselves or the things of the world but in Him alone.

Take heart, dear Christian, as you navigate this life, encountering suffering and trials. God has permitted these times of difficulty for you, is using to to refine to, is equipping you to comfort others, and is making you dependent solely upon Him to endure. See these times, difficult and painful as they will be, as God’s blessing in your life. He cares for you and is making you into a tool fit for His service. Suffering is never enjoyable and always painful, yet it is God’s mercy as He changes us into what we are meant to be.

Note: This article has also been published at X.com

Are They Truly Sojourners?

There has been much discussion regarding the issue of illegal immigration within the United States. Merriam-Webster defines an illegal alien/immigrant as “a foreign person who is living in a country without having official permission to live there.”[1] In other words, illegal immigration involves persons who are citizens of another nation who have violated immigration laws to enter into and reside within the borders of a different nation. In the United States, the issue of illegal immigration has been one of growing concern, with some statistics showing the number of immigrants growing to 11 million during the summer of 2024. [2] The political debate over the last several years has been between two rather notable positions: first, illegal immigration is detrimental to the health and safety of the nation. Therefore, the border should be closed, and illegal immigrants must be deported. Second, we are a nation of immigrants, and no person should be considered illegal. Therefore, the border should be opened, and all should be welcomed.

The Christian church has also waded into this debate, with positions being held on both sides. Many biblically conservative Christians have argued that, by entering into the nation illegally, immigrants have violated the nation’s laws and should be held accountable. As such, to allow them to remain in the country is to permit them to continue in sin without any accountability. However, more progressive Christians attempt to thwart this position by appealing to Scripture wherein they argue that we are to be a people who care for the sojourner just as Israel was commanded to do in Leviticus 19:34 which states:

You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

They charge that if we cast out immigrants who are merely looking for a better life, we are violating the commandments of God Himself. The question, however, that needs to be asked is whether these persons are indeed sojourners if they are violating the national borders. Furthermore, does Scripture permit nations to create and uphold borders to prevent other nations from entering without permission? The answer to both of these questions must define the Christian position.

It is helpful to understand how Israel herself was considered a sojourner in Egypt. Following Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt and the saving of his family during the years of famine, we see in Genesis 47 that he was permitted to move his family into Egypt. In fact, they were given the land of Goshen to live and raise their families. They did not sneak into the land or invade by subterfuge; they were invited and welcomed with open arms. They lived in Egypt approximately 430 years before Moses led them out of the land. Their harsh treatment by that point was not due to their being in the land without permission but because the Pharaoh, who had risen to power, did not know Joseph and irrationally feared the Israelites would rebel against them. The time of their sojourning included many generations who had lived in peace with a nation that had welcomed them into their lands openly. It is this period that the Israelites are commanded to remember by God for how they are to treat sojourners in their midst.

Those who wished to sojourn with Israel had permission to do so. The law even instructed the Israelites to allow them to provide for themselves by picking up the gleanings from the harvest of the fields and vineyards (Lev. 19:9-10). Sojourners could even enter into indentured servitude under Israelite masters (Lev. 25:44-46), which would necessitate their obedience to their owners. However, sojourners could not participate in the covenant feasts of Israel unless they became circumcised and became “as a native of the land” (Ex 12:48). They were not part of the covenant and not genuinely part of Israel unless they entered into that covenant. Still, God did expect the sojourner to be obedient while living among His people and told Moses, “There shall be one law for the native and for the stranger who sojourns among you” (v. 49). Sojourners could not simply come in and do as they pleased. God would provide for them, but they were expected to live in obedience to His commandments. And, if they wanted to receive the blessing of His covenant, they were to assimilate by becoming an Israelite. One could not arbitrarily hitch themselves to Israel without seeking to honor the nation God had made.

It must also be understood that borders matter to God. He raises nations and brings them down. Their existence is by His hand alone. When God established the nation of Israel, He gave her defined borders (see Ex. 23:31-33). When He sent His people into Israel to occupy the land, He drove out the pagan people before them. Those borders were set by God, and He would punish any nation that sought to assault His people. Interestingly, lines of demarcation were so established by God that He even prohibited His own people from moving the landmarks within the nation that established the property lines of their neighbors. Borders were important to God and His people. To cross over those lines or to attempt to alter them without permission was to offend the Most High. God even permitted and called for the defense of His nation multiple times, as seen in the books of Joshua, Judges, 1 Sam, 2 Sam, 1 Kings, and 2 Kings. God even commanded Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem after their time in exile. Borders, walls, laws, and other means of controlling the flow of persons entering a nation are both necessary and biblical for the defense of a people.

While much more can be said about this debate, Christianity has no opposition to a nation protecting its borders and its people from those who would seek to enter without permission. God has shown time and again in His word that a nation’s borders are His provision for that nation’s existence. Furthermore, He has given governments for the protection of a nation’s people and the punishment of evildoers (see Romans 13). Those seeking to enter the country and live as sojourners are required to live according to the laws of the land. Likewise, if they desire to benefit from the blessings of that nation, they should seek to assimilate and become part of the culture. Christians should desire to see such persons in the land and welcome them with open arms. Yet, there is no sin in Christians seeking accountability of those who flaunt the nation’s laws and borders, those who demand the freedoms of the country without submitting to the laws that protect those freedoms. Christians should have no fear in wanting to see their neighbor’s homes, jobs, and families protected from those who do not obey the laws of the land. It is right and biblical to do so.

As Christians, we should call upon our government to uphold the laws of immigration so that those who violate the law will be held accountable. Yet, we should also desire to see a refined and robust legal immigration process that will allow those who wish to live in the land given ample opportunity to do so. We should love the sojourner who looks to come and live among us; we should do all that we can to help and honor the process of bringing them here. However, that love includes protecting them from those who would dishonor their hard work to enter the land legally from those who break the law and take what is not rightly theirs.

[1] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/illegal%20alien%2Fimmigrant

[2] https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/07/22/what-we-know-about-unauthorized-immigrants-living-in-the-us/

Note: This article was also published at X.com

Trump Is President Again – Now What?

On January 20, 2025, Donald J. Trump once again took the oath of office making him the 47th President of the United States. He is now only the second President in history to serve two non-consecutive terms in office. For many Christians, his return to the White House is a moment of celebration as it marks the end of the Biden regime. Under former President Biden, the nation was subject to an administration that imposed the most debased sexually immoral culture upon the people. Any objection to the normalization and celebration of this depravity by the American public was met by the regime not only with labels of bigotry and hatred but even with the force of a justice system run amok. Biden made transgenderism the seminal issue of his administration, looking to force acceptance of bodily mutilation and hormone replacement upon every institution in the nation, including women’s sports and locker rooms. Even people who simply protested the murder of infants in the womb faced imprisonment because of Biden’s misuse of the legal system. Trump’s return to office is seen as a much-needed reversal of these depraved policies and practices.

President Trump immediately set out to undo much of Biden’s work shortly after taking the oath of office. During his inauguration speech, Trump declared that it would be the official United States policy that there are only two genders, male and female. The first Executive Order he signed reversed some 78 Executive Orders issued by Biden in the prior four years. Even the government-sponsored pro-abortion website, reproductiverights.gov, was taken down following his inauguration. Christians see these efforts as a positive move in returning the nation to conservative and perhaps even biblical values. The question for Christians, however, is how should we live under this new administration. With a President who seemingly is moving our nation away from the acceptance and practice of sexual immorality, what is required of the church at this time? The answer is the same as it has always been, live according to God’s word and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Governments and politics are a common grace of God to the world. Romans 13 tells us the governing authorities of the world have been instituted by God for the protection of each nation’s citizens and the punishment of evildoers. These duties are for the benefit of the people of those cultures but, just as any other institution in existence, fallen sinners populate governments. Therefore, governments will fail and even abuse their people. We cannot count on governments to always administer justice rightly. Nor should we expect that these authorities be able to change the hearts and minds of the people over which they preside. Only God can perfectly administer justice and only He, through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, can change sinful hearts. Christians are His representatives in the world to bring the life-changing and soul-saving message of the gospel, and so we must.

Sinners will continue to exist in our nation, and, by extension, they will look to influence the culture so that they may live out their sinful lives with no sense of guilt or condemnation. Voting for a new President and changing the policies of government will not stop this from happening. While President Trump did win both the electoral college and popular votes, it should be noted that Kamala Harris still received a sizable number of those votes as well. This shows that a substantial portion of the nation still desires the proliferation of sexually immoral policies. Furthermore, Trump’s campaign was weakened in this arena as he accepted the support of and platformed openly homosexual conservative activist groups. He also publicly supported allowing for abortion in some cases, opposing full abolition of the heinous practice. This demonstrates that conservative politics and voters are not immune to the effects of sin as well. Being mostly opposed to wicked policies but still supporting sexual depravity, even at a “lesser” level, reveals that sin-ladened hearts exist on all sides of the sociopolitical spectrum. While Christians can and should be engaged in the political process, it must not be at the expense of our duty to proclaim the gospel to all persons everywhere. While we may wish to see our nation embrace laws and policies that are not a direct assault on God’s word, we must love our neighbors, both liberal and conservative, so much that we cannot help but preach the truth of the gospel to them.

Christians must also seek to live out their faith before the world. The gospel that saves us also changes us. Paul wrote to the Corinthians that when we repent and trust in Christ, we are new creations (2 Cor. 5:17). This means we have new hearts with new desires, that we want to obey Christ out of sincere love for our Savior. Christians then should pursue lives consistent with our profession of faith. We must desire holiness and righteousness in all areas of our lives, in thought, word, and deed. Firstly, because it honors our Lord and Savior but, secondly because it demonstrates to the world around us that we believe in what we preach. Obedience to God is not optional for Christians and in our efforts to live out the commands of Christ, we show the world that pleasing Him who saved us is more important than anything else, even our sociopolitical pursuits. This kind of devotion to Christ bears great fruit in a sinful world. Those around us hear the gospel which changes hearts, but they also see our testimony of changed lives played out before them. And, even if the world rejects Christ, they can never escape the public witness of Christians who will never bow the knee to sinful ideologies. It will be a testimony against them when they stand before God on judgment day.

Christians can and should praise God that He has brought an end to a wicked political regime that sought to foist wicked and depraved policies on our nation. And we should continue to be involved in the political process in hopes of bringing God’s commandments into the public discourse. Yet, more importantly, we should proclaim Christ and Him crucified to all whom God places in our lives for the salvation of their souls has even greater importance than any election in history.

Note: This article was also published at X.com.

Beards, Beer, and Muscles – Is This All There is To Masculinity?

There has been a lot of discussion as of late within Christian circles about the nature of masculinity. Part of this discussion centers around the notoriety of a particular social media influencer known as Andrew Tate. This person is well known for being outspoken on what it means to be a man, which mostly involves muscles, women, and money. Tate made a lot of wealth as an Only Fans pimp, pushing women into sexually depraved acts online for money. While he claims to be of the Muslim faith, he spends a great deal of time bragging about his sexual escapades and denouncing marriage as “gay.” Some individuals, including professing Christians, try to find upstanding qualities in Tate by pointing out things such as his encouraging young men to get physically fit and to be willing to fight against a culture that hates men and seeks to demoralize them. These defenses are offered as a great need within the church to emulate persons like Tate so that men within the church pursue genuine masculinity.

The question that should be asked is not how can the church create Christian versions of Andrew Tate for young men to emulate but what is the biblical definition of masculinity and how should it be modeled in the church? Much is made today about the externals of masculinity, the visible and tangible aspects of what men do and what they look like. Being tough, hitting the gym, building things with one’s hands, drinking beer, smoking cigars, and other acts are often promoted as idealistic masculine activities. Similarly, calls for men to act as dominating forces in relationships with women and to never allow women to take anything that may be interpreted as a leadership role are prolific. This focus on the externals of masculinity is in direct response to the secular and feminist attacks on men in general. Everything that is termed “toxic masculinity” by the culture tends to be elevated as the masculine ideal by those seeking to find a Christian Andrew Tate. However, one must question not only what the Scriptures call men to be externally but also what must be the condition of their hearts and minds.

In writing to his son in Proverbs, Solomon states, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight” (Prov. 9:10). Biblical manhood calls men to start with the pursuit of the knowledge of God. As we grow in our understanding of God and His word, we are led to pursue lives pleasing to Him. While there is a temporal benefit to working on externals, such as pursuing physical fitness, growing in Christ has benefit to us both in this life and spiritually (1 Tim. 4:8). This is because, the more we grow in the word, the more conformed we are to Christ. Our minds are transformed day by day as we put off the deeds of the flesh. We have a greater desire to live in such a way that we are pleasing to God in all things. Men, therefore, have a heart that desires to act as men in the way that God has made them. Whether they are an accountant, solider, a writer, or a ditch digger, they work heartily as unto the Lord. In their relationships, men will sacrificially love and lead as humble servants because that is how their Lord loved and led. The pursuit of godly wisdom gives men truly masculine minds.

In the study of Scripture, another aspect of true masculinity is maturity. In writing to the Ephesians, Paul speaks of the various offices and gifts God gives to His people in the church. The purpose of these giftings is to build up the church, to make the body fit for God’s use. To that end, Paul writes that this occurs, “until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes” (Eph. 4:13-14). Mature manhood is a necessity within the church to keep Christians from chasing after every idea or scheme that promises some benefit to the people. Christian men are not to eschew growth in Christ but rather they are to desire heartily the maturity that comes from being taught and served by the leadership of the church. As men grow in knowledge and as they work in service to the body, they learn how to identify the false ideologies that would lead themselves and others astray. Much like a child grows into adulthood and learns to make wise decisions because they have learned at the hands of their parents, Christian men should desire maturity so that they too may lead younger Christians one day. Maturity encourages patience, and thoughtfulness, and tempers one’s tongue. It does not misuse or misapply Scripture to suit its purposes and lusts. It bows at the feet of God’s word and seeks to conform its life and practice to Christ. Biblical masculinity requires men to be mature.

In His preaching at the Sermon on the Mount, Christ gave His disciples what are termed the Beatitudes. Among those Beatitudes, Christ taught this, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matt. 5:5). Meekness is not a lack of strength or weakness, rather it is power under control. One analogy might be that of a wrecking ball. When used, a wrecking ball can bring about great destruction. The massive swing weight demolishes almost anything in its path. Therefore, the operator of this device must take great care to use it properly and precisely so that no unnecessary damage occurs. When Christ calls His disciples to show meekness, He is not preaching for them to be spineless, afraid, or ashamed. Rather, He calls them to understand that they have great power in God and that power must be understood and called upon rightly. The prophets of old understood this as we see in Elijah who prayed that it would not rain in Israel (1 Kings 17:1) and later called upon God to consume his offering before the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:36-38). The prophets knew that they were not to tempt the Lord their God and call upon His power flippantly. Yet, Christ’s own disciples, James and John, were angry at how they were treated by the Samaritans, they petitioned Christ for the ability to call down fire on the people, for which they were promptly rebuked (Luke 9:54-55). These men lacked meekness and sought to wield strength as a cudgel by which they could punish anyone who got in their way. Christian men must be those who do not seek strength and power for their benefit but see themselves as humble servants whom God strengthens to be used for His purposes.

These are just a sampling of the internal requirements of the heart that Scripture requires of men. These spiritual truths are transformative of men in mind, heart, and body. If we desire men to act like men, then we must call them to conform to the requirements of Scripture internally and spiritually before we ever try to focus on them externally. Furthermore, if Christian men are called to have wisdom, maturity, and meekness, they will display truly masculine traits regardless of their external abilities. A biblically masculine man who is incapable of physical strength due to disability will still pursue strength of mind and heart seeking to be wise. A masculine man will do all he can to lovingly lead his wife and family with meekness to Christ even when there is discord in the home. He will not be a tyrant who demands obeisance because he is the man of the home. A man who pursues biblical masculinity will demonstrate a hard work ethic in any career field, whether it is building with his hands or creating spreadsheets because he is mature in understanding he serves the Lord. Men who are led to desire these internal changes will be the strongest masculine men the church can offer and they will be a model for young men to emulate for generations to come.  

NOTE: This article was also published at X.com.

The Danger of Unjust Anger

You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.” (Mt 5:21–22)

We live at a time when sinful depravity is celebrated as virtue and godliness is treated as vice. Those who seek to uphold all that is right and good according to Scripture are seen as evil, people to be hated and shunned from society. As such, it is all too easy to cultivate a heart of unjust anger and even hatred, toward “those who call evil good and good evil” (Isa. 5:20). This is not to say that Christians cannot feel hurt, frustrated, and dismay over those who seek to persecute the church for preaching the truth about sin and its inevitable consequences. It would be irrational to expect Christians not to have a reasonable emotional response to evil in the world, especially that which is directed at the church. However, our emotions must not lead our thinking. Our biblically informed mind must guide and control our emotional state.

Jesus taught His disciples in the Sermon on the Mount that Christians will face persecution (Mt 5:10-12). It is not a question of if but when we will face the wrath of the world for standing with Christ. We may feel inclined to be angry at those who demand our acquiescence to their sin or their threats of persecution against us. However, Christ teaches His followers an altogether different reaction. When facing the onslaught of a wicked culture, Jesus taught, “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven” (Mt 5:12). Rather than be consumed by anger and hatred toward their persecutors, the followers of Christ are to count themselves as blessed to be counted among the prophets who came before them, those who paid the ultimate price for trusting in God. Christ commands us to fix our thinking on Him and His promises that we might be joyful even in the midst of the worst kind of affliction.

As Christians, we know that the world is dead in trespasses and sin. This is the default state of every human being outside of Jesus Christ. While God, in His common grace, restrains much of humanity from expressing just how evil it can be, we know that no one is capable of obeying and honoring God apart from being made a new creation in the Holy Spirit. It should not surprise us that the world will not only embrace sin but will demand we join them in their depraved celebration of it. So blinded are they by the passions of their sin, that they will attack and malign Christians who refuse to take part with them (see 1 Peter 4:4). It is when we lose sight of this biblical truth that we begin to succumb to a sense of shock and dismay as we watch the world enraptured with sinful abandon. This is not to say that sin should not grieve us deeply. It must do so for what else drives us to proclaim the gospel to those enslaved to sin? Yet, when we allow our emotions to override our understanding of God’s truth, grief over sin can change to distress, anxiousness, anger, and even hatred. Instead of being driven to compassion to proclaim the truth to sinners, we can be led to treat them as an enemy to be vanquished.

When we allow our emotions to lead our thinking, unjust anger and hatred for sinners can lead us to justify the mistreatment of the very persons who should be our mission field. Rather than preaching the truth in love – warning people of the wrath of God for sin and calling them to repentance and faith in Christ – we may find ourselves mocking, deriding, and cursing sinners. Instead of leading them to the path of salvation, we verbally assault those who stand opposed to God, attempting to drive them from public view. It is not compassion and love that drive us but animosity and anger. Furthermore, we will begin to justify our behavior, claiming that we are acting as the prophets and Jesus did when they stood against the world. Our emotional drift leads us to believe that our personal sense of offense that sinners actually sin can be categorized as righteous indignation rather than self-righteous anger. Once we allow ourselves to believe such behavior is acceptable, we turn a blind eye to Christ’s warning against unjust anger.

Christ’s sermon reveals that God’s law was not only about action but also the thoughts and intents of the heart. Adultery was not just the act of fornication with someone you are not married to but also the lustful thoughts of the heart and mind. Murder, one of the most heinous sins one can commit, was not just the act of taking a life but also the evil emotional state of hatred against that human being. God’s law demands complete perfection in thought, word, and deed. There is no means by which we can justify sins of the mind and heart. Even if never acted upon, the sins of our hearts, which no one may ever see, are enough to condemn us eternally. Therefore, when Christ preaches against unjust anger and verbal mockery, it should be a stark warning to all Christians everywhere. If we are called to live holy lives, that is not limited to how we act, but how we think and speak as well. When the Apostle John warns us that hatred of a brother places one in darkness (1 John 2:11) and even marks that person as a murderer in the eyes of God (3:15). And before we think we have found a loophole, it is no shield to say that sinners are not our brothers. Before we were redeemed in Christ, we were His enemies. Yet, while we were yet these wicked and vile rebels, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8).

Christians must be wary of their hearts which so easily lead us to believe we can justify anger and hatred because sinners are evil. Indeed, they are, just as once we were. But Christ in his mercy sent compassionate, grace-filled believers to seek us out and proclaim the truth of the gospel to us. Yes, Christians must have a hatred for sin. We must so hate it that we seek to continuously repent of that which caused our Savior to die in our place. We must so inform our minds with God’s word that we recognize sins of unjust anger and hatred in our hearts and turn from them. We need to control the passions of our emotions by leaning heavily into the promises of Christ, knowing that any wickedness we face for His sake will be our blessing in eternity. Then, we must so despise sin in the world that we desperately call sinners around us to turn from it and turn to Christ who is the only hope of salvation.

NOTE: This article was also published on X.com

The Prejudice of Jonah

There is a recent bout of antisemitism within professing Reformed circles and there are some things that should be considered. The argument seems to be that Jewish people are somehow more malevolent and destructive within society and even suggests that Scripture supports this. Furthermore, it is argued that, because Talmudic Judaism holds that Jesus is currently being punished by being boiled in a vat of excrement, they are more wicked than other false religions that consider Christ to be a prophet. Therefore, since Judaism is more malevolent, it is acceptable to hold a certain amount of disdain for Jewish persons and to target them specifically as a kind of enemy of society.

First, it must be considered that Judaism is worse because how it views Christ’s current state is hardly “more wicked” than other false religious views. Yes, their rejection of Jesus as their long-awaited Messiah, as God in flesh sent to redeem men from their sins, is highly sinful. However, their view of His punishment because they think He is a false Messiah is consistent with their false religious beliefs. They are holding to what they believe should happen to one who blasphemes God. It is a wicked view because it rejects Scripture’s prophecies and revelations regarding the Christ but it is still consistent.

By comparison, other religious systems, such as Islam, try to reduce Christ to a mortal prophet to which they give “honor.” While some argue that this is better than Judaism’s view, it is actually equivalently evil, if not worse. It is not honorable to deny Christ’s deity and work of salvation in any fashion. It is a complete rejection of all that God revealed in His word regarding the coming and the work of His Son. His sinlessness, His righteousness, and His obedience to all that God commanded are denied by reducing Him to being merely human. There is also the rejection of the hypostatic union of Christ, being fully God and fully man, without which, there can be no hope of salvation. But, lastly, and perhaps even more wickedly, it is not honorable to turn Christ into the mouthpiece of false deities. It is demonic to take the name of Christ and claim He is nothing but a sock puppet for whatever godless idol one has concocted. To suggest that this means other religions have a “better” view of Christ is simply delusional.

With that aside, it must be considered what has been said about Jews being somehow more wicked than other ethnic people groups. One argument suggests that Scripture supports this by pointing to the Jews’ repeated efforts to oppose Christ when He walked this earth and their continuous persecution the Jews perpetrated on Christians following the birth of the church. This argument suggests that the Jews’ efforts to thwart Christ reveal they, as a people, were unique in their sinful attitudes toward Christ and the church. Therefore, it is not wrong to believe that Jews today carry that same uniquely wicked mindset today. However, this is woefully myopic from a Scriptural standpoint.

First off, Scripture clearly reveals that Israel (aka, the Jews) is the ethnic people group through which God chose to reveal Himself to the world. All that God did with the Jews was to establish the types and shadows that would be fully revealed in Jesus Christ. All His promises and prophecies are given to us through this people. Therefore, Scripture spends a great deal of time with Israel, dealing with both her sins and her obedience, showing us God’s character, requirements, and His ultimate plan to deal with sin. When we see the Jews in rebellion, it is not so that we consider them to be a far more wicked people. Rather, they are an example of sin in the world at large. And, given that they received God’s direct revelation and still rebelled, what hope has the rest of the world which was as deeply stained by sin? Israel’s sinfulness was not something for others to look down upon but a picture of how all people are desperately wicked apart from Christ.

Consider all the Gentile nations and their treatment of God’s people. The Egyptians enslaved the Jews and killed their firstborn male children. The Philistines regularly attacked and took captive Israel (yes, by God’s allowance in response to Israel’s rebellion but they were equally punished for their wicked treatment of the Jews during these campaigns). Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Rome all took captive Israel and treated them wickedly. Are any of these people (or any of their descendants) who assaulted the people of God, and brought in false idols that were imposed on the Jews, more wicked or malevolent? Or is that only to be reserved for a particular people group? It reveals one’s personal bias to suggest that Scripture reserves a special designation of sin for only the Jewish people.

It is necessary to suggest one final consideration for people to think about regarding this debate. There was a particular people group in Scripture that God intended to bring judgment on for their malevolent treatment of His people: the Ninevites. The people of Nineveh hated the people of God and took every opportunity to oppose and persecute them. So wicked were these people that God took specific note to send His judgment upon them. Yet, God would not bring this judgment without warning. He called upon the prophet Jonah to give them a message, that in forty days Nineveh would be overthrown. God, in His mercy to a particularly wicked people, would give them notice of their impending doom. He did not need to do so, for His judgment was justified. Still, God desired to give them a warning.

However, Jonah did not want to go. Why? Because Jonah knew God’s heart. He knew that, should the Ninevites receive a warning and chose to repent, God would stay His wrath. Jonah believed that Nineveh was so malevolent and destructive that they should not receive God’s mercy. Jonah’s hatred was so overwhelming for this ethnic group, that he fled in the opposite direction to avoid the possibility they could be spared. God would not be thwarted, however, and he dragged Jonah back kicking and screaming, in the belly of a great fish, to have His message preached. Jonah’s bias would not justify his disobedience, God made sure of this. And, much to Jonah’s utter dismay, the Ninevites repented and were spared for a time. Jonah judged that his anger toward these people was more justified than God’s willingness to show mercy to a repentant people. God revealed that Jonah’s prejudice did not hold a candle to His perfect plans and purposes.

Those Christians today who believe there is something justifiable about holding antisemitic views simply do not have a leg to stand on. Yes, Jews today are outside the covenant of God because they have rejected Jesus as Christ. This is no different from any other ethnic or religious group that is apart from Jesus. They hold wicked views of Jesus for which they will be held accountable. There are many Jews, just as there are many other non-Jewish people, involved in sinful acts and industries around the world. And, just like the non-Jewish people, they will be held accountable for their sins. Not because they are more inherently sinful as a people, but because they are sinful by nature just as is every other human being who walks the earth. If Christians show bias toward Jews as an ethnic people and treat them as uniquely sinful as compared to all others, we commit the same sin as Jonah. No sinner will escape the judgment of God, yet, He has not called us to be a generation of Jonahs deciding who is or is not worthy of God’s warning of impending wrath. He has called Christians to be His kingdom of priests who preach that judgment is certain apart from repentance and faith in Christ alone.

Therefore, I urge my brethren in the faith, to abandon this foolishness. Stop being hard-hearted Jonahs who take pleasure in seeing others as more wicked than yourself. Rather, admit your self-righteous arrogance, repent of it, and submit to God’s calling to proclaim the gospel to all, regardless of their ethnic background.

NOTE: This article was also published on X.comX.com.

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